Photos of Blake Pier (1st generation, 1st location) [1900-1965]

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Year Sort descending Title
1900 piers hong kong

1900 Hongkong: Generalansicht vom Peak aus (General view from the Peak)
Hongkong: Generalansicht vom Peak aus (General view from the Peak)

1901 1901. People & boats along the new Praya
1901. People & boats along the new Praya

1902 1902 The Wharves at Hong Kong
1902 The Wharves at Hong Kong

1904 1900s Blake Pier (Temporary Matshed Shelter)
1900s Blake Pier (Temporary Matshed Shelter)

1904 1900's victoria buildings hong kong

1905 1905 Construction of the General Post Office

c.1905 Blake Pier c. 1905
Blake Pier c. 1905

1906 Blake Pier after 1906 typhoon

1906 1906-Hong-Kong-Typhoon-Blake-Pier

1906 SCMP Headquarters during the 1906 typhoon
SCMP Headquarters during the 1906 typhoon

1906 1906 View of Hong Kong from the harbour
1906 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1906 waterfront wanchai till westpoint part 2
waterfront wanchai till westpoint part 2

1906 Panorama Hong Kong 1906
Panorama Hong Kong 1906

1906 1906 Praya Central
1906 Praya Central

1907 1907 9 19 zhang renjun landing at blake pier 2
1907 9 19 zhang renjun landing at blake pier 2

1908 1908 The Praya near Blake Pier
1906 The Praya near Blake Pier

1908 People on Blake Pier
People on Blake Pier

1908 1908 Typhoon Damage at Hong Kong
1908 Typhoon - Damage to Hong Kong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Co. Wharf

1909 Field Marshal Kitchener arrives at Blake Pier in Hong Kong. 1909
Field Marshal Kitchener arrives at Blake Pier in Hong Kong. 1909

1909 Construction of the General Post Office c.1909
Construction of the General Post Office c.1909

1909 1909 Panorama of the Peak. Hong Kong
1909 Panorama of the Peak. Hong Kong

1900s Piers in Central - 1900s
Piers in Central - 1900s

1911 4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (2)
4-fold panorama postcard of Hong Kong sent to Berlin on 9 Feb 1911 (2)

1910s 1910s Blake Pier
1910s Blake Pier

1910s 1910s Blake Pier
1910s Blake Pier

1920 Commanders of HMS Tromp and HMS Hertog Hendrik (Dutch navy) - April 1920
Commanders of HMS Tromp and HMS Hertog Hendrik (Dutch navy) - April 1920

1922 Blake’s Pier, Hong Kong, 1922 – arrival of the Prince of Wales.

1923 Blake Pier during typhoon, Hong Kong
Blake Pier during typhoon, Hong Kong

1923 Blake Pier and The Praya (Connaught Road 干諾道中)
Blake Pier and The Praya (Connaught Road 干諾道中)

c.1923 Praya (waterfront) around 1923
Praya (waterfront) around 1923

1924 1924 View of Hong Kong from the harbour
1924 View of Hong Kong from the harbour

1925 building.jpg

1925 Blake Pier
Blake Pier

1925 1920s Connaught Road Central

1927 01 Hilly Hong Kong Front Cover
01 Hilly Hong Kong Front Cover

1927 17 Hilly Hong Kong City from Harbour Panorama
17 Hilly Hong Kong City from Harbour Panorama

1928 Western Pier at (late) 1920s

1920s Official Arrival at Blake Pier in the 1920s
Official Arrival at Blake Pier in the 1920s

1920s The Quay, Hong Kong
The Quay, Hong Kong

1920s 1920s queens pier
1920s queens pier

1920s front1925.jpg

1935 Central District 1935
Central District 1935

1937 Traffic police pagoda surmounted by traffic lights-1937
Traffic police pagoda surmounted by traffic lights-1937

1930s HK from harbour
HK from harbour

1930s City of Victoria from the China Shipping Manual for1937-1938
City of Victoria from China Shipping Manual for1937-1938

1930s 1930s Connaught Road Central Piers
1930s Connaught Road Central Piers

1941 Praya Central Vehicle Documentation Check
Praya Central Vehicle Documentation Check

1945 1945 Central, Sheung Wan to Sai Ying Pun Piers (annotated)
1945 Central, Sheung Wan to Sai Ying Pun Piers (annotated)

1945 Chung Wan
Chung Wan

1945 Sailors from US Seventh Fleet visit Hong Kong
Sailors from US Seventh Fleet visit Hong Kong

1945 1945 Praya & GPO
1945 Praya & GPO

1946 1946 Central & Mid-Levels

1947 File2298.jpg

1949 1949 Victoria Harbour
1949 Victoria Harbour

1949 1949 Blake Pier

1940s Hong Kong, men carrying boxes with a yoke
Hong Kong, men carrying boxes with a yoke

1950 Blake Pier
Blake Pier

1953 Blake Pier & Bus Terminus - Central 1953
Blake Pier & Bus Terminus - Central 1953

1954 1954 Blake Pier

1956 1956 Central waterfront

1957 1957 map c.
1957 map c.

1957 Harbour view - Central
Harbour view - Central

1957 Central waterfront.
Central waterfront.

1957 1957 Central Pier view

1958 1950s Central Waterfront (West of Pedder Street)
1950s Central Waterfront (West of Pedder Street)

1958 Central, Connaught road, Blake pier
Central, Connaught road, Blake pier

1958 Central, Connaught Road quay
Central, Connaught Road quay

1959 1959 Connaught Road Central

1959 Central District-aerial-23 10 1959
Central District-aerial-23 10 1959

1959 1950s Star Ferry

1950s 1950s Blake Pier
1950s Blake Pier

1950s Photo631383077328.1-inner-0-0-656-0-0-1000-656-1000.JPG

1950s 1950s-general-post-office.jpg

1950s Harbour Hong Konga.png
Harbour Hong Konga.png

c.1960 Blake Pier
5007700514 cdb93269fa o

1962 1960s Blake Pier
1960s Blake Pier

1962 Central reclamation 1962-3
Central reclamation 1962-3

1963 The reclamation project in Central 1963

1963 1963 HK 23 Blake Pier, GPO.jpg
1963 HK 23 Blake Pier, GPO.jpg

1964 Blake Pier 1st and 2nd Generations
Blake Pier 1st and 2nd Generations

1964 1964 Central.jpg
1964 Central.jpg

1964 Central 1964
Central 1964

1965 1965 Blake Pier

1965 Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan = 香港中、中環[圖中可見恒生根行大廈、消防局和港外線碼頭] 1960s

1960s Walla Wallas at old Blake Pier
Walla Wallas at old Blake Pier

1960s 1960s Connaught Road Central
1960s Connaught Road Central

2009 Blake Pier History
Blake Pier History

???? aircraft carrier
aircraft carrier