I think you are right. There was indeed a Hong Kong Police Reserve Unit established in 1914 which is the predecessor to the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force. I understand it was established to supplement the police ranks when numerous full-time officers returned to Europe to fight WWI.
The building at this location was the temporary library built when City hall was demolished (place here). Was this used by the Police reserve before during WW2?
Noted HKPR HQ at the old City Hall site (today's old Bank of China Building). Does HKPR stand for the Hong Kong Police Reserve or something else?
I think you are right. There was indeed a Hong Kong Police Reserve Unit established in 1914 which is the predecessor to the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force. I understand it was established to supplement the police ranks when numerous full-time officers returned to Europe to fight WWI.
Thanks. It could also mean the Public Repository as I think the Chater Collection may have been kept there.
Whilst still it is possible, the term Head Quarters is unlikely to be used to refer to
a Public Repository. It would more than likely be called a Building.
The building at this location
The building at this location was the temporary library built when City hall was demolished (place here). Was this used by the Police reserve before during WW2?
I have no further proof
I have no further proof either way. Need someone else who had better knowledge than myself to verify one way or the other.
Interesting history of the
Interesting history of the Police reserve here but no mention of where they were headquartered that I could see
A quick glance through HKPL shows the HKPR had offices at the City Hall where recruits were enlisted to supplement the police force.