Kai Lung Wan Cemetery [????-????]

Submitted by David on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 12:42
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Its location is shown on map 1913.1 at http://www.hkmaps.hk/mapviewer.html



If I search for Kai Lung Wan in HKGRO, the earliest result is from 1888. These early mentions are either from the Fire Brigade, putting out fires on the hillsides in that area, or in the PWD reports, listing squatters licenses in Kai Lung Wan Village.

The first mention I found with a cemetery connection is in point 2 of the PWD report for 1903:

The grants on nominal terms include [...] an area of nearly an acre at Kai Lung Wan for an extension of the ground used for burying urns containing disinterred remains; [...]