Gwulo's weekly newsletter takes a summer break: I'm heading to the UK on Monday to spend time with my family, coming back to Hong Kong in mid-August.
I won't be sending out any newsletters while I'm away, but if you'd like to keep up with additions to the site you're welcome to bookmark the What's new and Recent photos pages, and check them out from time to time. Or if you prefer the 'investigate an old photo' style of newsletter, you'll find lots of old Hong Kong photos and their stories in my books, available from local bookstores, Amazon UK*, and Amazon US* (*affiliate links).
What's new and updated on the Gwulo website:
- I've been lucky to meet some special people through the Gwulo website, and the late Barbara Anslow is a favourite. This article on CNN Travel describes how, although Barbara and I arrived in Hong Kong 60 years apart, her diaries of wartime Hong Kong put us in touch:
How a Hong Kong wartime diary sparked an unlikely friendship that spanned decades and continents
Many thanks to writer Maggie Hiufu Wong for the careful research and great storytelling, photographer Noemi Cassanelli for the lovely photos, and Barbara's daughters Kerry and Maureen for sharing their memories.
- Moddsey spotted that this photo was taken by the same photographer and at the same time as last week's photo of Happy Valley:
Happy Valley 1920s, by fergusmacdermot - Memories of:
- Readers ask:
- The Quick Links page is another handy one to bookmark - it is a collection of links to the other history resources I refer to most often.
- The next Gwulo book is underway! Although I won't be writing any newsletters while I'm away over the summer, I will be writing about Hong Kong's history, working on the draft of my fifth book.
- Hong Kong Island
- 1,000-foot Pier at Wanchai [1873-c.1883]
- Cotton Mills of the Hongkong Cotton-Spinning, Weaving, and Dyeing Company, Ltd. [1898-1914]
- Minerva House, Lyttelton Road [1959- ]
- RBL 889 Marker Stone, Repulse Bay [????- ]
- St James Church 聖公會聖雅各堂 112 Kennedy Road [1950- ]
- St Peter's School, Aberdeen Main Road [1965- ]
- Happy Valley
- 1, 2, 3 Broadwood Road [????-????]
- 6 Broadwood Road (1st generation) [????-????]
- Broadwood Terrace [1915-????]
- Race Course Mansion [1959- ]
- Rose Court, Wong Nai Chung Road [1963- ]
- 1, 2, 3 Broadwood Road [????-????]
- 1,000-foot Pier at Wanchai [1873-c.1883]
- Kowloon
- Ho Man Tin Estate 何文田邨 (first generation) [1973-2001]
- Sheung Li Uk Estate [1952-c.1993]
- Ho Man Tin Estate 何文田邨 (first generation) [1973-2001]
- New Territories & Islands
- Lai Chi Wo [????- ]
- Taipo Rural Home and Orphanage / St Christopher's Home, Tai Po [1935-1993]
- Lai Chi Wo [????- ]
- Organisations
- Interned in Stanley Camp
- Edna ATKINS [1886-c.1990], headmistress of St Stephen's girls school, and godmother to Dick Worrall
- Frank Alfred CHEESMAN [c.1903-1983], diver
Frank Cheesman drawing of Stanley Interment Camp POW Hong Kong, by jemac - Kathleen Glover MCDOUALL (née MOIR) [1917-2007]
- Charles MOTTRAM [1901-????], policeman
- Edna ATKINS [1886-c.1990], headmistress of St Stephen's girls school, and godmother to Dick Worrall
- POWs
- John Hubert BOTTOMLEY (aka Jack) [1899-1964]
"Now and Then" Argyle Street POW camp Yorkshire Society, by Robbot27 - Cedric Overton SHACKLETON [1891-1971], Commanding Officer of the Bowen Road Military Hospital
- John Hubert BOTTOMLEY (aka Jack) [1899-1964]
- Other
- Ethel CHAN (née GROCE, aka The Boat Lady) [1909-2004], missionary
- Charlotte COBB [????-????], missionary
- Florence DREW [????-1932], missionary active among the boat people of Hong Kong
- Elaine HO [????- ], sister of Helen HO
- Helen HO [c.1917- ], awarded the OBE after the war for her bravery in getting medical supplies through to POWs
Helen Ho participated in the 1946 London Victory Parade, by Alan Ho - Ellen Kirston MELCHERS (née OLSON, aka Nellie) [1886-????], the youngest daughter of John Olson
- Erwin William RAETZ [1898-1975], missionary
- Ethel CHAN (née GROCE, aka The Boat Lady) [1909-2004], missionary
Colin Day has obtained permission to share the photos from Jason Wordie's book, Streets: Exploring Hong Kong Island, and is uploading them in small daily batches. You can follow progress in the gallery: 2000s Streets Hong Kong book's photos.
Click to see all recently added photos.