List of American Internees in Stanley Camp

Submitted by Alexandra Talbot on

I found this document among my father's papers:

"Appendix 1: List of American Internees in Stanley Camp: Male & Female."

Extracted from List of Internees, Stanley Camp (HKRS 170, D&S l/573A)

Full Name Nat. Sex Remarks Page
Adams, Charles W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Ady, Merrill S. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Ady, Mrs. Lucille M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Ady, Donald A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Allie, Fr. A. F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Allman, N. F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Alsop, J.W. Jr. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Anderson, George M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Anderson, Mrs. Julia A. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Anderson, Mrs. Margaret A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Arndt, W. F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Attaway, W. R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Baker, Lester A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Barr, Miss Jean M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Bauer, Fr. George A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Baxter, G. E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Baynes, Mrs. Frances A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 1
Beaver, R. P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bechtel, John A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bennett, Chester A M Transferred to town 2
Benson, Fr. A. J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Booth, Pay P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bourne, A. W. Jr. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bowers, Fr. L. A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bradford, G. G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brenneman, J. S. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brewer, N. F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Briggs, N. H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brown, D. W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brownell, H. C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brownell, Mrs. J. M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Brownell, Miss Elizabeth J. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Bullook, R. D. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Burnside, W. M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 2
Butler, Charles G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A, 29.6.42. 3
Buuch, Loranz A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Buuch, Mrs. Ella M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Buuch, Miss Elaine L. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Buuch, Leonard P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Buuch, Robert A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Cady, Charles, E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Callan, Fr. J. V. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Carman, W. F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Carman, Mrs. Mary A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Carter, Cameron A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Casale, Michael A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Castle, Carlton L, A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Calgue, James W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Clarke, Mrs, Mildred A F See under 'Liu' 3
Clarke (Liu) Miss Cardenia A F See under 'Liu' 3
Clarke, Anthony A F See under 'Liu' 3
Clarke, (Liu) Dennis Anthony A M See under 'Liu' 3
Cook, Mrs, Frances Wight A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Cook, Clyde A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Cook, Miss Celene A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Cook, Vandyke A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 3
Cooper, Mrs. Frances Charlotte A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Costen, William T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dankworth, George C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Davidson, F. L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dew, Miss Gwen A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dietz, Paul A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dobbs, Mrs. Alice A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dodson, Miss Flora E A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dorrer, Miss Kathrine M. A F Transferred to town 4
Downs, Father W. T. A M Transferred to town 4
Dudley, Mss Marion A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dunnett, Mrs. J. P. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dunnett, Michael A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Durrschmidt, H. C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Dwyer, John F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Edwards, J. W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Elder, Peter A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 4
Erickson, Gustaf A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Erickson, Mrs. Ruth A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Erickson, Miss Dorothy A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Farnham, Wesley C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Fendlason, E. H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Fifer, A. M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Frank, Henry S. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Fredericks, Miss Edith A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Frese, Walter F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Frisque, G. E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gaiero, Fr Michael R. A M Transferred to town 5
Gale, Hollis P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gates, Halstead A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gates, Mrs. Wanda E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gates, William E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gates, Miss Sylvia A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gates, Daniel A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 5
Gingle, Edward F. A M Transferred to town 6
Glass, Austin O. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Gourdin, Allston A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Gourdin, Mrs. Roes A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Gourdin, Hiss Kathleen A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Gower, Miss Charlotte A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Grant, Mrs. Esther O. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Greenfield, Menashe A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Greenfield, Mrs. Lily A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Gregory, Thomas Paul A M Employed in Godown Central 6
Gunn, William A M American family Mr. W. Gunn, Mrs. N. L. Gunn and two boys aged 5 & 2 were repatriated to America leaving by HMS Vindex on 18.11.45. 6
Hall, Abell, W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Hall, Mrs. Nell F. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Hall, Arlin W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Hall, Cecil C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Ham, Allen L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Hammond, R. B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 6
Hammond, Mrs, Helen E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hammond, Miss Edith I. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Harman, Raymond P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Healy, Stanley P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hearther, F. R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Herndon, Clyde H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Herrick, Arthur John A M Transferred to Shanghai 24.12.42. 7
Hessler, Fr. Donald Leo A M   7
Higgins, Charles A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Higgins, Mrs. Mary A. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Higgins, Charles T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hill, Frederick A. A M Transferred to town 7
Hill, R. Dwight A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hogan, Fr. Michael J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hospes, Edward A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hospes, Mrs. Leonora A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hospes, Alan E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 7
Hospes, Donald E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Howley, William A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Huber, Clarence P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Hugo, Mrs, Helen A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Hulse, Aubrey J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Hulse, Mrs. Evelyne R. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Hunt, William P, A M Transferred to Shanghai 24.12.42. 8
Johnson, William R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Johnston, Miss Sarah C, A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Jones, Joel Russell A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Jones, Mrs, Alice A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Kailey, William Charles A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Keelan, Fr F.W.X. A M Transferred to town 8
Kelley, E. J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Kelley, Mose E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Kendall, R. G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
Kilboume, Fr. H. G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 8
King, George B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
King, Marion B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Knipp, Arthur R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Knipp, Mrs. Rene A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Knipp, Miss Margaret A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Knotek, Fr. W. F. A M Hong Kong 9
Koch, Erwin F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Krolin, C. C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Laird, C. H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Laird, Mrs. Mary S. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larsen, Charles A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larsen, Mrs. Maybelle M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larson, Charles M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larson, Mrs. Alice M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larson, Raymond M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larson, William C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Larson, Charles M. Jr. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 9
Lee, Francis X. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Lewis, Mrs. Rosalie E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Liu, Mrs. Mildred A F Not eligible for repatriation 10
Liu, Miss Gardenia A F Not eligible for repatriation 10
Liu, Anthony A M Died 14.12.42. 10
Liu, Dennis Anthony A M Not eligible for repatriation 10
Liu, Duane (Son of Mrs. Clarke) A M Student 10
Livingston, C. J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Lynn, Mrs. Gladys O. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Lynn, Miss Anne I. G. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Madison, Fr. A. L. A M Transferred to town 10
Malone, Paul A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Maltzer, J. H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Manthey, E. A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Marr, Melvin L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Mattley, Miss Ethel A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
McGhee, Eugene B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
Mckiernan, Fr. M. J. A M Transferred to town 10
McNeary, Henry E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 10
McNeary, Mrs. Louisa L A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Meehan, F. X. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Meisling, Vaughn F A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Merritt, F.N. Sr. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Merritt, F.N. Jr. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Meyer, Bernard Francis A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Middlecoat, Jack Harper A M Repatriated to Canada 29.6,42 11
Miller, Albert Magnus A M   11
Mladinich, L.E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Molthen, Frank J. A M Transferred to town 11
Moore, Fr. John D. A M Transferred to town 11
Morse, Harry H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Mossberg, C.L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Mossberg, Mrs. Nadejda A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Moyer, Raymond T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Mullikon, Miss Ruth E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Munze, Anton A M Died 16.7.42 11
Myers, Miss Alta M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 11
Nance, Ancil Benjamin A M   12
Nance, Mrs. Elizabeth Margaret A F   12
Nance, Ancil Kennington A M   12
Nance, Jonathan Goforth A M   12
Nance, Miss Winifred Bell A F   12
Nance, Miss Eunice Jean A F   12
Neary, Fr. William T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Nelson, Ernest W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Norris, Fr. Roland A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
O'Connell, Fr. M.H. A M Transferred to town 12
O'Connar, Fr. Charles J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Ostrander, E.L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Owens, Reginald W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Owens, Mrs. Allison J. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Owens, Miss Madeleine J. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Paget, F.K. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Papaz, Charles M A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Park, Harland A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 12
Park, Mrs. Elizabeth D. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Park, Miss Dorothy May A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Park, Miss Elizabeth R. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pender, Miss Sallie A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Perdue, J.E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Peter, Fr. J.J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Peter, Franklin A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Petley, Fr. B.G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pidcock, Raymond A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Piovanelli, Mrs. M.M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pommerenke, H.H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pommerenke, Mrs. Jean M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Powell, John W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pyne, Joseph S. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Pyne, Mrs. Alice E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Quick, Oswald J. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Quinn, Fr. R.P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Rankin, M.T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 13
Raymond, John N. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Ravn, Harold P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Rea, Herbert E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reardon, Fr. J.M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reber, Clavin H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reber, Mrs. Audrey E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reber, Miss Vers B. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Henry B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Mrs. Sarah E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Miss Alice A. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Miss Sarah M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Miss Harriett T. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Refo, Miss Burney A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reiton, Mrs. Rose E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reiton, Miss Esther M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Reiton, Albert K. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Revers, Fr. T.H. A M Transferred to town 14
Rhoads, Howard G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Richmond, John F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 14
Richmond, Mrs. Nadeshda A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Rodgers, Mrs. Elizabeth A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Ross, Miss Leona A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Rottenberg, Julias A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Rowland, H.M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Saille, Miss Gladys A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Sammons, E.P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Sanger, Richard A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Schultz, Miss Louisa A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Shankst Edward Dean A M   15
Shannon, John W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Shoop, Charles, W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Shoop, Mrs. Kathryn S. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Siebert, Fr. R.H. A M Transferred to town 15
Sindlinger, John R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Sister Brachenstein Mary Amata A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Sister Donnelly, Mary St. Bernard A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 15
Sister Gardner, Frances Marion A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Kane, Joseph Marie A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Manning, Santa Maria A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Quinlan, Mary Liquori A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister, Reardon, Mary Regiona A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Reynolds, Mary Camillus A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Rizzardi, Mary Gonzaga A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Silva Mary Reginald A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sister Skehan, Rose Olive A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Somner, H.F. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Southwick, Melvin L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Stanton, William T. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Stanton, Mrs. Elsa B. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Steiner, John R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Stevenson, Mrs. Emily A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Stevenson, Donald R. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Stokes, H.P. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Sundberg, Gust H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 16
Swaney, Haward A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Tackney, Fr. John P. A M Hong Kong 17
Taylor, William H. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Thomas, Jack A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Thompson, Mrs. Martha E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Thomson, Mias Avis P. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Toomey, Fr. John J. A M Transferred to town 17
Troesch, Fr. John C. A M Transferred to town 17
Ulrich, Maclean A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Van de Veere, Mrs. A. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Walden, Mrs. Margaret A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Walsh, Fr. Vincent W. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Walter, Fr. L.J. A M Hong Kong 17
Ward, Cecil S. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Ward, Mrs. Margaret G. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Ward, Harry C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Watrous, A.L. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
Westbrook, Titus C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
White, Claude E. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 17
White, Henry A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Whitham, Mrs. Beatrice A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Whitham, Jonathan G. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Whitney, Miss Mary E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Wilbur, Halsey H.M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Wilkins, J.A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Williams, Tiffany B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Wilson, Richard C. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Wilson, Thomas B. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Wiseman, Compton A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Yazejy, Alexander M. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Zane, Mrs. Hileya A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Mrs. Laura B. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Miss Eunice M. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Miss Doris A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Lawrence A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Miss Ruth E. A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Theo A. A M Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18
Ziegler, Miss Laura Louise A F Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42. 18

Minor differences detected in the spelling of names and additional remarks given. Names in bold appear on the official Gripsholm passenger list.

(1)     Lester Baker is probably Leiter L. Baker.

(2)     Pay P. Booth is Fay F. Booth. 

(3)     Bullook is Bullock

(4)     Brachenstein, Sr. Mary Amata is Brachtesende, Sr. Mary Amata

(5)     Buuch is Buuck

(6)     Calgue is Clague

(7)     Clements, Sr. Mary Famula does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later stationed in Macau.

(8)    Coupe, Sr Mary Eucharista  does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 but elected to remain in camp a tad longer. Later, entered China for inland mission.

(9)     Cunningham, Sr. Henrietta Marie does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(10)   Dankworth is Dankwerth

(11)    Downs, Fr. W. T. is Downs W. J. released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(12)    Farrell, Sr. Ann Mary does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later stationed in Macau.

(13)    Furey, Sr. Mary Christella does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 but elected to remain in camp a tad longer. Later, entered China for inland mission.

(14)    Gaiero, Fr Michael R., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(15)    Gourdin, Hiss Kathleen is Gourdin, Miss Kathleen

(16)    Gourdin, Roes is Gourdin, Rose

(17)    Halstead Gates - Milton Halsted Gates aka M Halsted Gates

(18)    Healy is Healey

(19)    Hearther, F. R. is Hearther, Ernest Rea

(20)   Hessler, Fr. Donald Leo remained in Stanley Camp

(21)    Jones, Joel Russell remained in Stanley Camp

(22)    Jones, Mrs, Alice remained in Stanley Camp

(23)    Kailey, William Charles remained in Stanley Camp

(24)    Keelan, Fr F.W.X., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(25)    Kelly, Sr. Dominic does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(26)    Kilboume is Kilbourn

(27)    Knotek, Fr. W. F., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(28)    Krolin is Krohn

(29)    Madison, Fr. A. L., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(30)    McKeirnan, Fr. M. J., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(31)    Mckenna, Sr. Mary Paul does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(32)    Meyer, Fr. Bernard Francis remained in Stanley Camp

(33)    Moore, Fr. John D., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(34)    Mullikon is Mulliken

(35)    Murphy, Sr. Maria Regis does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(36)    Quinn, Sr. Mary Clement does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(37)    Norris, Fr. Roland is Norris, Fr. Ronald

(38)    O'Connell, Fr. M.H., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(39)    O'Connar is O'Conner

(40)    Peter, Franklin A. is Peters, Franklin A.

(41)    Peter, Fr. J.J. is Peters, Fr. J.J.

(42)    Reardon, Sr. Mary Regiona is Sr. Mary Regina

(43)    Rottenberg, Julias is Rottenberg, Julius

(44)    Saille is Saile

(45)    Shankst is Shank

(46)    Siebert, Fr. R.H., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(47)    Somner is Sommers

(48)    Stapleton, Sr. Matthew Marie does not appear on the list. Repatriated to U.S.A. 29.6.42.

(49)    Steiner, John R is Steiner, John F

(50)    Tackney, Fr. John P., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(51)    Toomey, Fr. John J.,  released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(52)    Troesch, Fr. John C., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(53)    Walsh, Sr. Mary Dorothy does not appear on the list. Released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(54)    Walter, Fr. L. J., released in September 1942 and later permitted to enter China for inland mission station

(55)    Yazejy, Alexander M. appears to have been transferred in March 1943 to Chapei Camp in Shanghai.

(56)    Zane, Mrs. Hileya appears to have remained at Stanley Camp.


(to be continued)

For reference.

After the first repatriation voyage of the Gripsholm in 1942, a list of remaining Americans held in Japanese internment camps in China (excluding Hong Kong) in 1943 can be viewed in the The Los Angeles Times 5 March 1943 in the following link: