Photos of Supreme Court Building / former Legislative Council Building [1910- ]

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Year Sort descending Title
1903 Stone laid in 1903 at the Legislative Council Building
Stone laid in 1903 at the Legislative Council Building

1904 Tram passing City Hall
Tram passing City Hall

1907 Supreme Court under construction in 1907
Supreme Court under construction in 1907

1910 Proclamation of George V to the Throne - Cricket Ground -1910
Proclamation of George V to the Throne - Cricket Ground -1910

1915 1910s Statue Square and former Supreme Court
1910s Statue Square and former Supreme Court

1915 Hongkong Club & Queen Victoria's statue
Hongkong Club & Queen Victoria's statue

1915 1910s Statue Square
1910s Statue Square

1918 End of World War 1
End of World War 1

1910s Central ca. 1910

1910s 1910s De Voeux Rd Central
1910s De Voeux Rd Central

1922 Prince of Wales arrives at Pavilion, Hong Kong
Prince of Wales arrives at Pavilion, Hong Kong

1922 The Prince inspects the 102nd Grenadiers., Hong Kong
The Prince inspects the 102nd Grenadiers., Hong Kong

1922 Prince of Wales visit 1922.jpg
Prince of Wales visit 1922.jpg

1925 1920s Statue Square
1920s Statue Square

1925 Des Voeux Rd near old Law Courts

c.1925 1925 wooden-top tram
1925 Wood-top

1927 01 Hilly Hong Kong Front Cover
01 Hilly Hong Kong Front Cover

1927 07 Hilly Hong Kong The Harbour
07 Hilly Hong Kong The Harbour

1927 10 Hilly Hong Kong The Courts of Justice
10 Hilly Hong Kong The Courts of Justice

1927 17 Hilly Hong Kong City from Harbour Panorama
17 Hilly Hong Kong City from Harbour Panorama

1920s 1920 Statue of King George V, Statue Square = 英皇佐治五世銅像

1920s Hong Kong--Supreme Court 1920s
Hong Kong--Supreme Court 1920s

1920s The Supreme Court, Hong Kong
The Supreme Court, Hong Kong

1931 Central from Peak c.1931

1934 1930s Murray Parade Ground
1930s Murray Parade Ground

1935 1930s Cenotaph
1930s Cenotaph

1935 1935 Over Statue Square


1936 1930s Prince's and Queen's Buildings
1930s Prince's and Queen's Buildings

1937 1937 Coronation Illuminations - Supreme Court
1937 Coronation Illuminations - Supreme Court

1937 Supreme Court
Supreme Court

1937 1930s HSBC
1930s HSBC

1938 central 1938
central 1938

1939 H.K. from the harbour

1930s 1930s Aerial view over Statue Square

1930s 1930 Statue of Sir Henry May
1930 Statue of Sir Henry May

1930s HK from the harbour
HK from the harbour

1940 Former Supreme Court
Former Supreme Court

1940 Former Supreme Court
Former Supreme Court

1941 Hong Kong, Supreme Court building
Hong Kong, Supreme Court building

1941 Statue Square
Statue Square

1941 Former Supreme Court
Former Supreme Court

1945 Chung Wan
Chung Wan

1946 1946 Central & Mid-Levels

1946 1946 Hong Kong Cricket Club
1946 Hong Kong Cricket Club

1946 1946 Hong Kong Cricket Club
1946 Hong Kong Cricket Club

1947 House on Magazine Gap
House on Magazine Gap

1948 The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, March 1948

1948 1940s Murray Road
1940s Murray Road

1948 25. Hong Kong Cricket Club.jpg
25. Hong Kong Cricket Club.jpg

1949 Des Voeux Road, central
Des Voeux Road, central

1940s Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids
Hong Kong, sandbags stacked to protect a building from air raids

1940s Hong Kong, sandbags for air raid shelters
Hong Kong, sandbags for air raid shelters

1940s Hong Kong, men carrying a load with a yoke
Hong Kong, men carrying a load with a yoke

1940s Hong Kong, laborer building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense
Hong Kong, laborer building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense

1940s Hong Kong, cars parked in front of a building
Hong Kong, cars parked in front of a building

1940s Hong Kong, building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense
Hong Kong, building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense

1940s Hong Kong, building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense
Hong Kong, building with layers of sandbags for air raid defense

1940s Hong Kong, Supreme Court building
Hong Kong, Supreme Court building

1940s Hong Kong, Supreme Court building
Hong Kong, Supreme Court building

1952 C. 1952 Central Des Voeux Rd

1952 1952 Central waterfront

1953 QE2 coronation
QE2 coronation

1953 Coronation a.
Coronation a.

1953 1950s Harbour Bldgs
1950s Harbour Bldgs

1953 1953 Statue Square

1953 1950s Des Voeux Road Central near Banks
1950s Des Voeux Road Central near Banks

1954 Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene
Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene

1954 Chater Road. Hong Kong 1954

1954 Another mystery photo
Another mystery photo

1955 Central District in 1955
Central District in 1955

1955 Chater Road around 1955
Chater Road around 1955

c.1955 cenothaph 1950s
cenothaph 1950s

1956 1956 Central Reclamation

1957 A view of Hong Kong
A view of Hong Kong

1957 1950s Banks in Central
1950s Banks in Central

1957 The Cenotaph
Mount Davis

c.1957 Jeep

1958 Central, Connaught Road and Law courts
Central, Connaught Road and Law courts

1958 Hong Kong and Shanghai (China bank) October 1958
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank

1959 Central District-aerial-23 10 1959
Central District-aerial-23 10 1959

1959 1950s Fred Evans' photos
1950s Fred Evans' photos

1959 1959 Supreme Court.jpg
1959 Supreme Court.jpg

1959 1950s Statue Square
1950s Statue Square

1950s The-old-BOC-building-site

1950s Bank of China
Bank of China

1950s 1950s Harbour Central
1950s Harbour Central

1950s 1950s Banks & Cricket Club
1950s Banks & Cricket Club

1950s 1950s HSBC & Court buildings
1950s HSBC & Court buildings

1950s HSBC Court & Cricket Club
HSBC Court & Cricket Club

1950s Cars park in Statue Square, Hong Kong, in the 1950s.
Cars park in Statue Square, Hong Kong, in the 1950s.

1950s Cars parked in front of the Supreme Court, 1950s
Cars parked in front of the Supreme Court, 1950s

1950s Buildings around the cricket pitch

1950s 1950s Des Voeux Road Central
1950s Des Voeux Road Central

1950s Statue Square 1950's
Statue Square 1950's

1950s 1950s Statue Square and temporary government buildings
1950s Statue Square and temporary government buildings

1950s 1950s Court & Cricket Club
1950s Court & Cricket Club

1950s 1950s Central waterfront
1950s Central waterfront

1950s 1950 Bank of China
1950 Bank of China

1960 Queens Road Central 1960
queens road central 1960

1960 cheerio club 1960
cheerio club 1960

1961 1961 Statue Square - Princess Alexandra's Visit

1963 1963 Central Aerial View
1963 Central Aerial View

1963 1963 HK 19 Law Court, Bank of China, HSBC.jpg
1963 HK 19 Law Court, Bank of China, HSBC.jpg

1964 1960s City Hall Car Parks
1960s City Hall Car Parks

1964 1964 Central.jpg
1964 Central.jpg

1966 1966 Statue Square and City Hall
1966 Statue Square and City Hall

1966 05-Hong Kong 1966-0024.jpg
05-Hong Kong 1966_0024.jpg

1966 04-Hong Kong 1966-0023.jpg
04-Hong Kong 1966_0023.jpg

1966 08-Hong Kong 1966-0027.jpg
08-Hong Kong 1966_0027.jpg

1967 1967 Hilton Hotel

1969 E594184B-5780-4940-9E6B-94BE9303664C.jpeg

1960s Law Courts
Law Courts

1960s 1960 Supreme Court.jpg
1960 Supreme Court.jpg

1960s 1960 Cenotaph-3.jpg
1960 Cenotaph-3.jpg

1960s Traffic Policeman
Traffic Policeman

1960s 1960s chater road
1960s chater road

1960s 1960 Cenotaph-2.jpg
1960 Cenotaph-2.jpg

1960s Law Courts?
Law Courts?

1960s Suzie Wong - Queens Road
Suzie Wong - Queens Road

1970 Victoria with The Peak in Background Early 1970's.jpg
Victoria with The Peak in Background Early 1970's.jpg

1970 PICT0106.JPG

1970 1970 Tram in Central

1972 1972 Central Waterfront

1972 Old Cricket Club 1972

1973 1973.5 hk kowloon from peak bg5
1973.5 hk kowloon from peak bg5

1975 Central 1975
Central 1975

1977 Des Voeux Rd Central.JPG
Des Voeux Rd Central.JPG

1970s 1970s Cotton Tree Drive
1970s Cotton Tree Drive

1970s supreme court 1970s
supreme court 1970s

1970s 1970 Central

1970s central 1970s
central 1970s

1970s 1970s HSBC
1970s HSBC

1980 Banks (1980)
Banks (1980)

1980 Furama-Panorama (1980)
Furama_Panorama (1980)

1981 Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ready for demolition
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ready for demolition

1982 Where has all the money gone? HSBC headquarters no more
 Where has all the money gone? HSBC headquarters no more

1986 A bird's eye view of high rise development around Statue Square = 從高處俯瞰皇后像廣場一帶的發展1986

1987 Old Supreme Court Building from Mandarin balcony
Old Supreme Court Building from Mandarin balcony

1987 the old Supreme Court building from Mandarin hotel
the old Supreme Court building from Mandarin hotel

1980s Central at Night
Central at Night

1996 1996 Former Supreme Court Building - Statue of Themis
1996 Former Supreme Court Building - Statue of Themis

1996 1996 Former Supreme Court Building
1996 Former Supreme Court Building

1996 1996 Former Supreme Court Building
1996 Former Supreme Court Building

1997 1997 - Central
1997 - Central

2001 2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel
2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel

2001 2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel
2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel

2001 Statue Square
Statue Square

2003 2003 - view from 43/F Bank of China Tower
2003 - view from 43/F Bank of China Tower

2010 Central 2010s
Central 2010s

2010 Aerial view Legislative Council

2024 Foundation Stone
Foundation Stone

???? chater road 0
chater road 0

???? ciry hall
ciry hall

???? construction in central district
construction in central district

???? statue square 1927
statue square 1927

???? hsbc bank under construction
hsbc bank under construction

???? aerial view of central 1950s
aerial view of central 1950s

???? aircraft carrier
aircraft carrier

???? dockyard 1968
dockyard 1968

???? queens building
queens building

???? central 1960s
central 1960s