Tram passing City Hall

Date picture taken


Hi Joseph, nice photo!

This is where the tram line turns from Queensway onto Des Voeux Road:

  • City Hall on the left
  • Cricket Club building on the right
  • Supreme Court under construction in the background

Regards, David

Going through Government Annual Reports from the 1890s, reference is made to the Town being divided into 3 districts:

a) Western Distict extending eastwards to the Harbour Office;

b) Central District extending eastwards to the City Hall and

c) the remainder of the Town forming the Eastern District

I reckon the "east end" indicated in the photo would be the eastern end of Central District. 


With the demolition of the old cricket club pavilion opposite the museum corner of the City Hall, plans are being made to widen the thoroughfare at this point in order to remove a corner which is rather difficult to negotiate. It was proposed to shift the tram tracks so as allow motor cars to pass on either side. China Mail 12 April 1923 refers