1889 Peak Directory

Submitted by Admin on

Thanks to Sharon Oddie Brown for typing up this list.

You can see an expanded version, with more information about the people mentioned, at her website: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/TABLES/HongKong-1889Directory.html.

The original 1889 document is online at: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=nyp.33433082429261;view=1up;seq=353

Resident Property
Anderson, Jas Craigieburn
Ball, James Dyer Fernside
Beart, M Kellett Spur
Belilios, E.R. The Eyrie
Bell-Irving, J. Hon. The Mount
Bowdler, E. Fungshui
Dalrymple, H.L. Peak
Dennys, H.L. Brockhurst
Downes, L. Tor Crest
Dowler, H.G. Stonyhurst
Ede, N.J. Treverbyn,
Ewens, C Harford
Francis, J J Magdaline Terrace
Foster, F.T. Pearce Dunnottar
H.E. The Governor Mountain Lodge (summer only)
Gower, S.J. C.M.S. Sanatorium
Hastings, J. Stonyhurst
Hawkins, V.A.C. The Homestead
Holliday, J.F. Cloudlands
Hutchison, J.D. Oeonora
Jackson, T Creggan
Jennings, Rev. W. Sheiling
Johnson, A.B. Bushy Cottage
Johnson, Major  
Judd, W Cameron Villas
Just, H.Z. Stolzenfels, Peak
Lamke, J  
Layton, B. Stoke’s Bungalow East
Leigh, R.K. Leigh Tor
Lind, A. The Hut
Mackintosh, E The Cliff
Mitchell-Innes, N.G. Bangour
Manson, Dr. Dunheved
Maxwell, Commodore Admiralty Bungalow (summer only)
Noble, Dr. Kellet Spur
Ost. Rev. J.B. C.M.S. Sanatorium (summer only)
Paterson, Dr. A. Admiralty Bungalow
Palmer, C. The Bluff
Poesnecker, L.  
Ryrie, Hon. P Craig Ryrie (summer only)
Saunders, W.J.  
Smith, A.F. Craigieburn
Smith, T. Sercombe Fernside
Sharp, G. The Homestead
Sonnaville, J.de Craigieburn
Stevens, Major Myrtle Bank
Stokes, A.P. Stokes’s Bungalows
Stokes, A.G. Stokes’s Bungalows
Vernon, J.Y.V. The Falls
Wilkinson, C.D. Stonyhurst
Wolff, E.B. Kellett’s Spur
Wright, A The Neuk, Mount Kellett
Wylie, W.K. Tramway Station
Yeatherd, Capt E.W. The Chalet.