Former South China Morning Post Building [1925-c.1971]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

According to the 1925 PWD Annual Report, the SCMP building was in the course of erection and portion of the building had already been occupied.

Photos that show this Place



In 1902, Xie Jiantai, a revolutionary who participated in many plots to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, established 南清早报, predecessor of  South China Morning Post with a British man Alfred Cunningham.

Xie, as the editor, used the paper to spread revolutionary propaganda.…

Following is a photo of  South China Morning Post on Wynham street in the 1920s.

1920s south china morning post on wynham st, by simtang