Everything tagged: water supply

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Pages tagged: water supply

North Conduit, Shing Mun Valley Scheme [1925- ]

Submitted by David on

Part of the first section (phase) of the Shing Mun Valley Scheme.

It was completed in late 1925, and is described in item 224.d of the PWD's Annual Report for 1925:

(d). North Conduit.—A Contract for $70,801.00 was let in February to Mr. Ng Wah who made excellent progress and completed the works by the end of the year. It commences at the termination  of the Temporary Conduit in the Gorge below Pineapple Pass and discharges into the North Tunnel below Smuggler’s Ridge.

Old Pokfulam Reservoir [1863-1978]

Submitted by Klaus on

The very first dam in Hong Kong was built at Pokfulam. A masonry dam was built across "Pokfoolum" valley to collect rainwater. For the transport of water to Victoria, a ten-inch cast-iron pipe was laid from the reservoir along todays Pok Fu Lam Road to finally Bonham Road. The work was finished in 1863, the reservoir had a capacity of 2 million gallons (9100 m3). The dam was near the (todays) Jockey Club  PHAB Centre, the reservoir stretched out to near Douglas Castle.

In 1978, the old dam was demolished in construction works.
