A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...
- Klaus has searched the government records to compile this list of Regulations of Public Vehicles and Chairs in Hong Kong 1863-1941, illustrated with photos of Sedan Chairs and Rickshaws from those years.
- Back in 2009 I asked if anyone could explain the mystery tunnel in Hong Kong Cemetery. Thirteen years later, we have an answer!
- A 1938 film shows the anti-aircraft guns at Sai Wan Hill Battery in action
- Moving a 27-ton gun barrel: 1900s vs 2020s
- Readers are looking for any information about:
- Where are the horses in old Hong Kong photos?
- Has anyone seen floor plans of the first City Hall building?
- Who was the "Anderson" or "Iverson" who carved their name on this boundary stone?
- Where are the horses in old Hong Kong photos?
- Readers' memories of:
- Upgrade update: I'm still working on the image pages, as some of the features needed more work than expected.
Hong Kong island
- Bisnee Villa [????-????], on the hillside below Queen Mary Hospital
- Braeside - 20 MacDonnell Road [????-????]
- 44 Conduit Road [????- ]
- Go Wah Mansion, Wanchai [1964- ]
- Wyndham Street Sedan Chair Stand [1863-????]
- Wartime relics
- Stanley Camp internees:
- Mary Constance FAIRBURN (née BONNELL) [1900-1996], Canadian nurse
- Charles Beatty Allenby Haig THIRLWELL [1918-1985], lighthouse keeper
- More repatriation notices from 1945:
- Mary Constance FAIRBURN (née BONNELL) [1900-1996], Canadian nurse
by Chris Addison
See more photos of the SS Chusan.
by Chris Addison
Click to see all recently added photos.