There's lots to catch up on after the summer break, so I'll split this update into two parts: People and Places first, then new Photos and other news in a second message. As always, you can click on any of the links below for more information, and each page has a link to add a comment if you can tell us any more about the topic.
Looking for information about:
- David Boyd McKenzie BONE (aka Davie) [1888-????]. Worked at Taikoo Dockyards, interned in Stanley Camp.
- Anna May Ethne MATTHEWS [1900-????] and her daughter Jacqueline, both interned at Stanley Camp in WW2.
- Margaret GUTTINGER [????-????], in Hong Kong in WW2, but not interned.
- Looking for contact details of Kwok Wai Chuen
Memories of:
- Mavis Gock MING [1916-2008], in Hong Kong with the Women's League of Health.
- Cecil Graham PERDUE [1891-????], policeman, interned in Stanley Camp in WW2.
- Ken Bidmead's pilot's licence.
- Frederick Howard Ah Kew and William Ah Kew.
- Harry Marco LANDAU [1933- ]
- Betty Church
- Alexander Findlay Smith
- Merrill Steele ADY [1895-1982], an OSS agent in southern China in WW2. Don adds more background info.
- John Joseph OSBORNE [1888-1945]
- Nissen huts at HMS Tamar [c.1947-c.1977]
Nissen Hut of Hong Kong Flotilla (1951) , by Sam Norris Collab. Project - More on the final years of the Blue Buildings in Wanchai.
1930s Methodist Sailors and Soldiers Home, by eternal1966e - Phil is looking for any photos of an interesting set of old buildings that stood on the shoreline near today's TST Fire Station. Here's the original question, and some additional information. Phil first saw them in the films Lord Jim and The Sand Pebbles:
White Building 1, by Philk - Questions about Green Island
- Memories of the Gloucester Building
- Kai Tak's fire stations from 1960 and c.1975
- Metropole Hotels in Central
- Three generations of Wanchai Ferry Piers: first, second, and third
- What the Mount Nicholson Government Quarters site looks like after re-development.
- Was the Berlin Foundling Mission's chapel a usual place for the daughters of German fathers and Chinese mothers to be married?
- The Alhambra Theatre [1934-1958] on Nathan Road
1950s Alhambra Theatre, by David - Wild Dell, Wood Road, Wanchai [c.1894- ]
- Killadoon - 151 Wanchai Road - IL 1584 [????- ]
- Homeville — IL 1419 — 153 Wanchai Road. [c.1899-c.1932]
Lodging House in Wanchai , by Herostratus - Rockview 155 Wanchai Rd [????-????]
- Summersville 157-9 Wanchai Road [????- ]
- Grand Court [1931-2012] on Kadoorie Avenue
- Confirming the location of the British Army's Fan Hill Camps (a) [????-????]
- Memories of the old YMCA in TST
- The Cap Sing Mun and Cum Sing Moon anchorages in the Pearl River Estuary
- The Burma Lines
- The Grand Hotel in TST
Brochure, Grand Hotel, May 1978, by Swimsallyswim - Updates after recent visits to Pillboxes 32 and 300,
New Photos and other news will follow in part 2 tomorrow.