Mentions of the Kowloon Tong Garden Estate in the PWD's annual reports

Submitted by David on

I found these mentions in The Public Works Department's annual reports. (Click the year to see the report.) Comments added in [[ ]]


  • 189. [[This is the entry for the "Kowloon Tong Development Scheme", and describes the resumption of land, and a contract given to excavate and fill land in the area.]]


  • 41. Principal Works of a Private Nature. [[Includes a note, "The erection of houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was commenced."]]
  • 196Roads. [[This section has a couple of entries related to Kowloon Tong, neither of which suggest that development was moving very quickly.]]

    • (h.) Extension of Roads in Kaulungtong Development Area.— It was not found possible to proceed with this work during the year ; there was consequently practically no expenditure under this heading.

    • (j.) Waterloo Road extension (100 feet wide) Section between Kowloon Boundary to foot of hills S.E. of Tunnel (estimate for 50 foot width).—This work was referred to in paragraph] 185 (f) of last year’s Report and is being carried out in conjunction with the Kaulungtong Development Scheme.

      Towards the end of the year, a start was made with the cutting through the hill at the Kowloon Boundary end.

  • 197Training Nullahs: — [[This also refers to several items of work in Kowloon Tong. I think item (a.) will be the big nullah down the centre of Waterloo Road when it is finished.]]

    • (a.) One side-wall and invert of nullah on Eastern side of the Kaulungtong Development Scheme.—This work was referred to in paragraph 18b (a.) of last year’s Report.

      As it is being carried out in conjunction with other items of the scheme, it was not thought desirable to push on with same until the end of the year when piling operations were started and good progress made.

    • b.) Kaulungtong Development Area, diversion of stream West of Railway.—This work consisted of diverting all stream and water courses that formerly drained from the West to the East of the Railway on to the Development Area. The diversions were satisfactorily carried out by filling in low-lying areas, channelling and making a heavy cut through a low-lying hill spur.

      By the end of the year, the work was completed.

    • (c.) Kaulungtong Development Area, connection of stream North of this area to main nullah.—This is being carried out in conjunction with other items of the scheme, which is not yet sufficiently advanced for this work to be commenced.

  • 200Kaulungtong Development Scheme:— [[The main point of interest is the last line, "At the request of the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, an area of about 14 1/2 acres of formed land was handed over to them in November for development." It suggests the building work began around that time.]]

    (a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 189 (a.) of last year’s Report.

    Certain resumptions were effected during the year by the District Officer (South), particulars of which will be found in the Land Officer’s Report for 1923.

    (b.) Excavation and filling.—-This work was referred to in paragraph 189 (b.) of last year’s Report.

    Good progress was made during the year, 532,000 cubic yards of hill cutting being completed and deposited on the low-lying areas of the scheme, and the whole brought to formation levels.

    At the request of the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, an area of about 14 1/2 acres of formed land was handed over to them in November for development.

1924: [[There are also updates on the roads and nullahs, but I'll just concentrate on the work of preparing the land and building the houses.]]

  • 42Principal Works of a Private Nature. [[This includes the line "The erection of further houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was commenced.".]]
  • 210Kaulungtong Development Scheme :—

    (a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 200 (a) of last year’s Report.

    137 lots were resumed during the year.

    The total amount of the payments approved for these resumptions was $58,377.17, but owing to the refusal of certain owners to recognise the authority of the Boards of Arbitration and to accept the amounts awarded as compensation, and further as certain of the payments approved could not be made before the end of the year, a sum of $51,936.07 was refunded making the net expenditure for the year $6,441.10. The sum of $51,936.07 will have to be paid out of the corresponding vote for 1925 or subsequent year.

    (b.) Excavation and filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 200 (b) of last year’s Report.

    Good progress was maintained during the year, 430,000 cubic yards of excavation from the hills on the area being deposited on the low-lying swamps which were brought up to formation levels.


  • 31Typhoon and Rainstorm Damages. [[This gives an indication of what what was here before the new Estate: "The old Kaulungtong Village was flooded and about fifty houses collapsed. There were no casualties."]]
  • 42Principal Works of a Private Nature. [[This includes the line "The erection of houses on the Kaulungtong Estate was continued and at the end of the year about 60 houses were almost completed.".]]
  • 214Kaulungtong Development Scheme: —

    (a.) Resumptions.—This work was referred to in paragraph 210 (a) of last year s Report.

    Of 156 lots, 151 were resumed during the year for a sum of $174,192.20, this expenditure being met from the New Territories Resumptions Vote. The total amount of payments approved under this heading in 1925 was $1,213.26, but certain compensations sanctioned in the previous year were also paid from this Vote.

    1925 Estimates,   $10,000.00

    1925 Expenditure, $ 2,900.07

    Less amount refunded  149.50

                      $ 2,750.57

    (b.) Excavation and filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 210 (b) of last year s Report.

    Good progress was maintained during the year in spite of the unsettled labour conditions. Excavation to the extent of some 270,000 cubic yards was effected from the hills and deposited on the low-lying swamps.

    During the year an area of 19.36 acres of land was handed to the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, making a total acreage of 44.82 acres placed at its disposal.

    1925 Estimates, ...$120,000.00   Total Estimates, ..$280,000.00

    1925 Expenditure,  $ 55,907.87   Expenditure to

                                         31.12.25,      $290,749.87


  • 17Cemeteries.—The Christian Chinese Cemetery at Kaulung Tong was closed during the year.
  • 44Principal Works of a Private Nature. [[This mentions the first buildings to be completed: "Over 100 houses on the Kowloon Tong Estate were certified during the year."]]
  • 156Kaulungtong Development Scheme, Excavation and Filling.—This work was referred to in paragraph 214 (b) of last year’s Report.

    Fair progress was made with the cutting in spite of the targe amount of rock met with. Excavation to the extent of 250,000 c. yds. was cut from the hills and dumped into the low-lying areas.

    During the year 9.11 acres were handed over to the Kowloon Tong and New Territories Development Company, bringing the total area placed at its disposal up to 53.43 acres.


[To be continued...]

1927 ( 

  • 34. Principal Works of a Private Nature. - 60 European houses on the Kau Lung Tong Estate [were completed during the year]


1928 (

  • 33Principal Works of a Private Nature, completed or in progress39 European houses on the Kowloon Tong Estate [were in progress]


1929 ( 

  • 41Special reference is made to the following Principal Works of a Private Nature - On the Kowloon Tong Estate, 17 European houses, for for which plans were approved prior to 1929, were still in course of erection, and work was in progress on one Bungalow for which plan was approved during 1929.


1930 (

  • 37. Special reference is made to the following Principal Works of a Private Nature - Kowloon Tong Estate - The 17 European houses referred to in last year’s Report were completed.


1933 (

  • 192. Kowloon Tong Recreation Ground - A portion of ground in Rutland Quadrant was levelled, turfed and equipped for use as a children's playground.[...] [T]he work was satisfactorily completed by the end of the year [1933].


1935 ( 

  • 27. Buildings of importance completed were:— Club House at Kowloon Tong