Photos of Old Bank of China Building [1951- ]

For more information about this Place, please click "View" above.

Year Sort descending Title
1949 City Hall Extension Demolition

c.1950 Bank of China Building c.1950

1951 gwulo A430 Bank of China.jpg
gwulo A430 Bank of China.jpg

1951 Postcard Hong Kong: view from Peak mid levels, ca. 1951

1951 1950s Peak Tram
1950s Peak Tram

1952 1950s Peak Trams at May Road
1950s Peak Trams at May Road

1952 1952 Central waterfront

1952 1950s Central Panorama
1950s Central Panorama

1952 1952 Hong Kong
1952 Hong Kong

1952 Bank of China
Bank of China

1952 The Banks
The Banks

1952 1952 View down the Peak Tram line and over Central
1952 View down the Peak Tram line and over Central

1953 1953 Queen's Coronation, Statue Square
1953 Queen's Coronation, Statue Square

1953 Two banks and Cheero Club
Two banks and Cheero Club

1953 Hong Kong, 1953

1953 1950s Central Reclamation
1950s Central Reclamation

1953 1953 Statue Square

1953 1953 Wanchai Waterfront, Gloucester Road

1953 1950s Des Voeux Road Central near Banks
1950s Des Voeux Road Central near Banks

1953 1950s Central & sampan.jpg
1950s Central & sampan.jpg

c.1953 panoramic view
panoramic view

1954 China Bank
China Bank

1954 Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene
Soldier of Fortune - intro harbour scene

1954 Peak Tram - Soldier of Fortune
Peak Tram - Soldier of Fortune

1954 Peak Tram - Soldier of Fortune
Peak Tram - Soldier of Fortune

1954 Central 1954

1954 view of hk side from a ferry1954
view of hk side from a ferry1954

1954 view from the peak 1954
view from the peak 1954

1954 Bank of China and Bates memorial
Bank of China and Bates memorial

1955 Central Hong Kong, Silent Zone.
Central Hong Kong, Silent Zone.

1955 Hong Kong and Shanghai bank.
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank.

1956 a Central From Peak Tram.
a Central From Peak Tram.

1956 a Central From Peak Tram b
a Central From Peak Tram b

1956 Bank of China Lions
Bank of China Lions

1956 1956 Central Reclamation

1957 Cricket ground.
Cricket ground.

1957 The Cenotaph
Mount Davis

1957 Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
Hong Kong and  Shanghai Bank

1957 A view of Hong Kong
A view of Hong Kong

1957 View from the Peak Tram near MacDonnell Road
View from the Peak Tram near MacDonnell Road

1957 The Peak Tram, probably from the May Road Bridge
The Peak Tram, probably from the May Road Bridge

1957 1950s Banks in Central
1950s Banks in Central

1957 St John's Cathedral
St John's Cathedral

1958 Bank of China Monday 30 June 58.
Bank of China Monday 30 June 58.

1958 China Bank building The China Mail page 10 1st October 1958
china bank building the china mail page 10 1st october 1958

1958 1958 celebrations 2 - Bank of China 1 Oct
1958 celebrations 2 - Bank of China 1 Oct

1958 Hong Kong and Shanghai (China bank) October 1958
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank

1958 Hong Kong Central Alan Wilson Andrew Suddaby.
Hong Kong Central Alan Wilson Andrew Suddaby.

1958 1958 celebrations - Bank of China 1 Oct
1958 celebrations - Bank of China 1 Oct

1958 Bank of China.
Bank of China.

1958 Bank of China b.
Bank of China b.

1958 Central, Connaught Road and Law courts
Central, Connaught Road and Law courts

1958 Central, Banks from Cricket Ground
Central, Banks from Cricket Ground

1959 Prince Philip visit to Hong Kong. Statue Square
Unknown C&W celebration 3

1959 1959 Central

1959 "A52 Hong Kong Harbour"
"A52 Hong Kong Harbour"

1959 1959 Central
1959 Central

1959 1950s Fred Evans' photos
1950s Fred Evans' photos

1959 1950s Fred Evans' photos
1950s Fred Evans' photos

1959 1950s Statue Square
1950s Statue Square

1959 "A52 Hong Kong Harbour"
"A52 Hong Kong Harbour"

1950s 1950 Bank of China
1950 Bank of China

1950s 1950s Queen's Road Central & Garden Rd
1950s Queen's Road Central & Garden Rd

1950s 1950s Banks
1950s Banks

1950s 1950s panorama over central to harbour
1950s panorama over central to harbour

1950s Photo631383324115.1-inner-0-0-656-0-0-1000-656-1000.JPG

1950s 1950s Fred Evans' photos
1950s Fred Evans' photos

1950s Buildings around the cricket pitch

1950s 1950's - view from the Peak postcard
1950's - view from the Peak postcard

1950s Tram-Ride

1950s Pictures1232.jpg

1950s Photo631383288073-inner-234-464-647-464-234-722-638-726.JPG

1950s 1950s Banks & Cricket Club
1950s Banks & Cricket Club

1950s Tram-Ride-Central.

1950s Photo631383250054-inner-143-406-632-410-143-710-626-726.JPG

1950s 1950s HSBC & Court buildings
1950s HSBC & Court buildings

1950s Bank of China
Bank of China

1950s HSBC Court & Cricket Club
HSBC Court & Cricket Club

1950s Bank of China
Bank of China

1950s Central from Peak Tram
Central from Peak Tram

1950s Old Bank of China Building under construction
Old Bank of China Building under construction

1950s 1950s Des Voeux Road Central
1950s Des Voeux Road Central

1950s Peak Tram 1950
Peak Tram 1950

1950s Hong Kong 1950's.jpg
Hong Kong 1950's.jpg

1950s 1950s Queensway
1950s Queensway

1950s The-old-BOC-building-site

1950s 1950s Central waterfront
1950s Central waterfront

1960 cheerio club 1960
cheerio club 1960

c.1960 bank of china from cheero club
bank of china from cheero club

1962 1962 View from the Peak

1962 Banks at Queen's Road Central

1962 1962 Peak Tram
1962 Peak Tram

1963 Water rationing-isolating water supplies outside the Hilton Hotel
Water rationing-isolating water supplies outside the Hilton Hotel

1963 1963 Central Aerial View
1963 Central Aerial View

1963 Hilton By Night
Hilton By Night

1963 1963 HK 20 Bank of China Lions.jpg
1963 HK 20 Bank of China Lions.jpg

1964 1964 Central.jpg
1964 Central.jpg

1965 View1 c.1965 - joiner, Feb 1965, Facebook=Andrew Richards.jpg
View1 c.1965 - joiner, Feb 1965, Facebook=Andrew Richards.jpg

1965 Hilton Hotel

1965 1965 View over Central & Harbour from The Peak
1965 View over Central & Harbour from The Peak

1966 1960s Traffic Pagoda

1966 1966 Central-1.jpg
1966 Central-1.jpg

1966 1966 Cricket Ground-3.jpg
1966 Cricket Ground-3.jpg

1967 1967 Bank of China Building

1967 1967 central

1967 1967 Bank of China Building

1968 Press Photo 272a 新闻老照片-板球比赛 Hong Kong 1968

1968 1968 aug des voeux central
1968 aug des voeux central

1968 c.1968 view of Central & Admiralty
c.1968 view of Central & Admiralty

1969 33-20 HKG Is from Mt Victoria Mar 69.jpg
33_20 HKG Is from Mt Victoria Mar 69.jpg

1969 Hilton and BoC (June-December 1969)

1960s "A60 Business centre HK"
"A60 Business centre HK"

1960s Views of Hong Kong 1960 Peak Tram HK
Views of Hong Kong 1960 Peak Tram HK

1960s promenade in central
promenade in central

1960s 1960s "See Hong Kong" Postcard
1960s "See Hong Kong" Postcard

1960s aerial view of central 1960s
aerial view of central 1960s

1960s Suzie Wong - Queens Road
Suzie Wong - Queens Road

1960s Bank of China
Bank of China

1960s 1960 Central
1960 Central

1970 PICT0106.JPG

1970 Bank of China
Bank of China

1970 Bank of China
Bank of China

1972 1972 Central Waterfront

1972 Central Victoria Hong Kong circa 1972.JPG
Central Victoria Hong Kong circa 1972.JPG

1973 1970s Hong Kong Cricket Club
1970s Hong Kong Cricket Club

1973 1973 bank of china
1973 bank of china

1976 Night view across Victoria Harbour
Night view across Victoria Harbour

1970s 1970s HSBC
1970s HSBC

1970s 1970 HK Hilton

1980 Standard Chartered, view from right (1980)
Standard Chartered, view from right

1980 Central Banks 1980

1980 Furama-Panorama (1980)
Furama_Panorama (1980)

1980 Banks (1980)
Banks (1980)

1980 Central and Kowloon from the Peak (1980)
Central and Kowloon from the Peak (1980)

1980 1980 - Bank of China, Central
1980 - Bank of China, Central

1980 1980 - Bank of China, Central
1980 - Bank of China, Central

1981 Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ready for demolition
Hong Kong and Shanghai bank ready for demolition

1981 Sightseeing junk with Central in background
Sightseeing junk with Central in background

1981 Star Ferry piers Central
Star Ferry piers Central

1982 Where has all the money gone? HSBC headquarters no more
 Where has all the money gone? HSBC headquarters no more

1986 A bird's eye view of high rise development around Statue Square = 從高處俯瞰皇后像廣場一帶的發展1986

1987 Old Supreme Court Building from Mandarin balcony
Old Supreme Court Building from Mandarin balcony

1987 the old Supreme Court building from Mandarin hotel
the old Supreme Court building from Mandarin hotel

1980s Hongkong Bank 1980 Christmas

1996 1990s Old Bank of China Lions
1990s Old Bank of China Lions

1990s Pool near Jardine House (Connaught Centre) circa 1995
Zoological and Botanical gardens circa 1995

2001 2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel
2001 - view from the Mandarin Hotel

2010 I.L. 6301 Marker Stone of Old Bank of China Building
I.L. 6301 Marker Stone of Old Bank of China Building

2010 Central 2010s
Central 2010s

2014 Central and Kowloon from the Peak (2014)
Central and Kowloon from the Peak (2014)

???? queens building
queens building

???? central 1960s
central 1960s

???? Junction of Garden Road and Queensway
junction garden road and queensway

???? connaught road
connaught road

???? construction in central district
construction in central district

???? old china bank building 1960s
old china bank building 1960s

???? aerial view of central 1950s
aerial view of central 1950s

???? aircraft carrier
aircraft carrier

???? dockyard in admiralty
dockyard in admiralty

???? dockyard 1968
dockyard 1968

???? admiralty-1972.jpg

???? Queensway

???? midlevel road
midlevel road