Hilton Hotel

Source: This image came from Flickr, see https://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=1997819547

Date picture taken


The photo of the Hilton Hotel was taken in the mid 1960s at the junction of Murray Road with today's Queensway before the construction of Cotton Tree Drive.

Vehicular traffic in the right lane are joining Queens's Rd C whereas traffic in the left lane are turning up towards Garden Rd.

1940s Murray Road


1960s Hilton Hotel


1970s Cotton Tree Drive

Do you think the photo could have been taken a bit further back, at the junction of Murray & Chater Roads? It looks as though we're on the NE corner of the cricket ground, looking across it to the hotel & banks.

The Hilton Hotel was built on the old Murray barracks parade ground.  In the 1950s the Cheero Club was based in several wooden huts on the Western and Northern edges of the parade ground.  In 1958, service personnel could get a bed in the hut on the Western side for HK$1 per night - a real bargain by any standards.  The China Fleet Club's rate was HK$2.  In the other huts, overlooking the cricket ground, there was an excellent cafeteria, a barber's shop and a lounge with snooker tables, etc.  How about that for value compared with what future customers of the Hilton would have had to pay for such a central location!