People tagged: La Salle Relief Hospital

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Robina Hughina Rostron Andress Female
Olga Archangelsky Female
Lydia Mary Armour Female
Molly Mary Cecily Barber Bedford Female
Jean McClelland Barr Female
Alan Harold Barwell Male
Olga Bateman Female
Edith May Begley Doherty Female
Georgina Blandford Female
Sister Marie des Victoires Josephine Bolduc Female
L. Borinevitch Female
Sister Marie du St. Sacrement Anna Bourbeau Female
Kathrine Brameld Female
Brother Cassian Cassian Brigant Male
Flo Florence D. Cartwright Female
Clare Marcellina Crampton Female
Sister Marie de Georges Corinne Crevier Female
Pamela Mavis Crofton Female
Yvonne Cumine Ho Female
Sister Henrietta Marie Margaret Mary Cunningham Female
Catherine F Cunningham Female
Agnes Isabella Fleming McBride Female
Sister Therese de l’Infant Jesus Yvonne Gerin Male
Sister St. Stanislaus of Kostka Germaine Gonthier Male
Elaine Ho Female
Kathleen HO Female
何婉衡 Helen Ho Female
Mary Phoebe Kailey Female
Sister Joseph Marie Dorothy Catherine Kane Female
Marie Dorothy Kavarana Female
Brother Anthony Henry George Kilbourn Male
Jessie Knox Female
Ethel Hope Low Banker Female
Marina MacKechnie Female
Zoe Doris Emily Elizabeth MacPherson Brooks Female
Thelma Margaret Mills Female
Eileen Vera Monks Female
Nan Moodie Female
Sister St. Jean de l’Eucharistie Jeanne Moquin Female
Janet McLean Morren Female
Frances Gordon Ogilvie Female
Nora Passmore Female
William John Dudley Passmore Male
Brother Cornelius John Joseph Peters Male
Sister St. Etienne / Sister St. Stephen Aurore Plouffe Female
Edith Margaret Rawlings Female
Florence Mary Robinson Hopwar Female
Cecile Bradbury Robinson Female
Jean Sheldon Female
Sister Rose Olive Marion F. Skehan Female
Faith Mary Snuggs Female
Margaret Matilda Starling Robson Female
Edith Alice Stuart Johnston Female
Emily May Rostron Tye Andress Female
Norah Marion Wentworth Female
May White Female
Dorothy Charlotte Wilson Perkins Female