During the Battle of Hong Kong, Sister Marie de St. George(s) of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception worked at La Salle Relief Hospital. She was later interned at Stanley Camp. In 1943, she was repatriated together with three other Sisters.
3. Sister St. George(s)' abridged name/signature appears under "La Salle College" (La Salle Relief Hospital) on the bottom right on the "Day Joyce Sheet" held by the Imperial War Museum.
Sister Marie de St. Georges
During the Battle of Hong Kong, Sister Marie de St. George(s) of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception worked at La Salle Relief Hospital. She was later interned at Stanley Camp. In 1943, she was repatriated together with three other Sisters.
1. https://www.chinafamilies.net/internees/7652-crevier-corinne/
2. http://www.hongkongwardiary.com/searchgarrison/uniformedcivilians.html#_Toc43367289
3. Sister St. George(s)' abridged name/signature appears under "La Salle College" (La Salle Relief Hospital) on the bottom right on the "Day Joyce Sheet" held by the Imperial War Museum.
See: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/30083388. An explanation of the "Day Joyce Sheet" is given at: https://gwulo.com/media/46458