I've listed some of the recent highlights below, but you can visit the What's New page at any time to see all the latest additions to the site.
- OldTimer has started posting his memories of growing up in Hong Kong in the 1950s and 60s.
- The 75th anniversary of Japan's surrender is just a few days away. Learn what people in Hong Kong thought about it at the time by reading their diaries: subscribe to daily emails with extracts from their diaries written 75 years ago.
- Details of the first Hong Kong-London through flight in 1936.
- The "BAAG stands down" letter, 31 December 1945, from Lindsay Tasman Ride
- Another mention of the sewing ladies on the streets.
- ChinaRail remembers the Lok Ma Chau lookout and the old man there who appears in so many photos:
Lok Ma Chau – Hong Kong’s Most Photographed Man ?, by Chinarail
Book news
- UK readers: Gwulo's books are now available at Amazon.co.uk and are eligible for Prime shipping. (Affiliate link - It doesn't affect the price you pay, but if you order via this link Amazon will pay a small commission to Gwulo.)
- Last week's newsletter about the new book Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong had a good response. In the newsletter I thanked all the contributors who helped me searching for images. I'd also like to extend my thanks to The Hong Kong Jockey Club for sponsoring the book project, and to Hong Kong University Press for the high quality of the printed images.
From the book's back cover
- HK Island
- 1 & 3 Wyndham Street [c.1865-c.1920]
- 999 year leases - a compilation
- Where was 1 Park Road?
- Can you add any memories of the post-war Ewo Bachelor's Mess on May Road?
- Kowloon
- Also looking for any memories of the Prince Hotel, near to Kai Tak and operating in the 1950s & 60s.
- New Territories
- Three arches stone bridge near Fanling [????-????]
- Harbour
- Looking for photos of the "Cart" on rails that was used at Waglan, Green Island and Castle Peaks to deliver supplies.
- Cliffs painted white to aid navigation
- Kiu Tsui Pai Navigational Beacon [c.1978- ]
- List of navigation lights around Hong Kong
- Poi Toi Navigational Beacon [1970- ]
- Rambler Channel Rocks Navigational Beacon [c.1962- ]
- Tung Lung Chau North Beacon [c.1970- ]
- Stanley Camp internees:
- Amelia Florence SMITH (née WILLIS) [1879-1956] and her husband Octavius Arthur SMITH [c.1881-????]
- Other:
- Magistrate William Henry LATIMER [1889-1954] and his wife Nona Keele LATIMER (née MORRIS, aka Florence Keele Bernhard Bates) [1901-1956]
- William Mitchel THOMSON [c.1859-1901]
by Chinarail ( Chinarail scan from The Far Eastern Review June. 1936)
by Chinarail ( Chinarail scan from The Far Eastern Review June. 1936)
Background (1957), by OldTimer
Good Hope School (1957), by OldTimer
by Chinarail (Photo taken in c.1971)
Click to see all recently added photos.