Here's a summary of what's new on Gwulo. Please click through to the linked pages to leave a comment if you can add any information.
Upcoming Gwulo Talks Both of the following talks are open to the public, so it'll be great if you can join us. Hong Kong, 8 February (Saturday morning) - I'll present talk #3 to the RAS - think of it as the live version of the latest Gwulo book, Volume 3. Details and booking. London, 28 March (Saturday afternoon) - I'll present talk #5 to the Friends of the RASHKB. This is my newest talk, and this will be the first time I've presented it in the UK. Details will follow in a future newsletter. |
- Joseph is looking for suggestions on how to track down a Centurion Tank's history (his grandfather drove it) from its registration number.
- Stephen explains the changing designs of sailboats in Hong Kong over the years.
- Thanks to Patricia for her generous review of the new Gwulo book.
- 12 pages of Edith Townsend's hand-written diary from 1945 are now online. If you can help to type up a page, please click on the page's image (eg here's page 1), and leave a comment there with the typed text.
- Ken took this photo of the Cathay Pacific DC-3 that had crash-landed in Macau in 1947:
- Patricia asks who was May Road named after? There have been two famous men surnamed May in Hong Kong's history.
- Was the Sailor's Home at West Point ever used as a postal address by people who lived elsewhere?
- Carnarvon Mansion [1959- ]
- New Marseille Restaurant [????-????]
- Tsim Sha Tsui Market [c.1911-c.1999]
- NT Villages
- Cheung Sheung Village, NT [????- ]
- Pak Sha O Village, NT [????- ]
- European House #14, Cheung Chau [????- ]
- Public Pier No. 17 - British Canton Line / Yuen On Steamship Co. Ltd [????-????]
- Perowne Barracks [1963- ]
- Ministry of Defence Lot No. 3 Stone Marker [????- ]
- Government Trade School / Hong Kong Technical College / Victoria Technical School / annexe of the Morrison Hill Technical Insitute / "Red Brick House" [1936-1988]
- Chai Wan Estate [????- ]
- Chinese University [????- ]
- Lion Rock Tunnel [1967- ]
- Vehicular Ferry Pier, Central [1933-1994]
- St. Francis Hotel, Causeway Bay [????-????]
- Russell Street Tram Depot [1904-c.1950]
- Derek has uploaded a good selection of photos of some of the rarely seen batteries (scroll to the bottom of each of the linked pages):
- The China Families website is a good resource for anyone researching family members who lived in Hong Kong / China
- Arthur James William DORLING [c.1888-????]
- Robert Basil LEVKOVICH (aka Boris Vasili) [1915-????]
- John Douglas CLAGUE (aka Duggie) [1917-1981]
- Stanley Camp internees
- Elspeth Craighead CLARK (née SMITH, aka Elsie) [1918-2003] and William Ley CLARK [1899-1962], parents of Jeanette Madeline CLARK [1943- ]
- Beatrice Victoria FANCEY (née DEWEY) [1897-1985], mother of Jack FANCEY [1917-1942]
- Francis William FOWLIE [1902-1973] and Mary Jane FOWLIE (née PRATT) [1903-1987]
- Andrew NICOL [1898-????]
- Alan POPPLE [1908-1969]
- Edward Cairns THOMAS [1893-????] - after WW2 he was the principal of Royden House School.
- Can you identify any of these people:
SCMP Staff Christmas circa 1960's.jpg, by SCMP Staff Photographer
Contributors have uploaded several large batches of photos.
Alain has uploaded photos from 1977, and Gwulo's readers have been helping to identify where they were taken. Samples:
Tunster has uploaded a set of photos from the late 1950s that were taken by his father during his National Service. Fortunately contributor Bryan had very similar experiences in Hong Kong, and has been able to explain what many of them mean. Samples:
Kesayian has uploaded photos taken in the 1960s and 70s, when they visited and later lived in Hong Kong. Samples:
Other historic photos:
Jamie from the Historical Photographs of China (HPC) project shares several collections that include old photos of Hong Kong.
Click to see all recently added photos.