Chinese University [????- ]

Submitted by David on
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In use

Wikipedia has a good history of the site at

It says that the first college buildings here were those of Chung Chi College, which moved to Ma Liu Shui in 1956.

Later, the new Chinese University was inaugurated in October 1963. Following that, development of the University's campus began, incorporating the existing Chung Chi College.

Photos that show this Place



In the early 1960s, it looked like this. The Ma Liu Shui train station was already there.


1960年代初,中文大學興建前的馬料水火車站.jpg, by simtang


In 1946, before the ma liu shui station was built.  The station was only constructed around 1955-1956 when Chung Chi college moved there. The college was founded by representatives of Protestant Churches in Hong Kong in 1951. It was the only college with religious background among the 3 colleges of the Chinese University with financial support from  religious organizations in the US and UK . After the Communist takeover in 1949, all Christian universities in China had to close down. Many of their members fled to Hong Kong.

A brief history of the college can be found here:

1946 ma liu shui, by simtang


1955 picture of Ma Liu Shui. Train station seems mostly completed. It should be near the end of 1955 according to news reports. The person was the president of Chung Chi College.

1955 ma liu shui, by simtang


News report 1956-1-28 about the constuction of campus and planned move of Chung Chi college to Ma Liu Shiu in the end of 1956 and the completion of the train station there.

1956-1-28 ma liu shui train station completed, by simtang


According to a news report of 香港工商日報, 1956-09-24 at

1956-09-24 is the exact date when the station officially opened.

1956-10-01 is the date when Chung Chi college started the fall term at the new campus there shortly after the opening of station.

(華僑日報, 1956-09-24 Wah Kiu Yat Po at

CU campus on 1971-6-14 almost completed. Students from the 3 colleges of the university were ready to move in. According to United college alumni magazine, United college first opened their student dormitory in 1971-12. Other departments started to move in from 1972-1-3. The last to move in was the science faculty. They moved in 1972-4 from their old campus at Caine Lane.The other colleges also moved in around the same time. Of course Chung Chi College had been there since 1956. They didn't have to move very far if at all.


興建中的香港中文大學,攝於1971年6月14日.jpg, by simtang


How it looked like in 1966


舊大學火車站,馬料水碼頭 1966.jpg, by simtang


new asia college 1949 b, by simtang

Chinese university had 3 foundation colleges at the time of its establishment in 1963. One of them, the New Asia College, had the longest history. It started in 1949 by a group of university academics fleeing from the mainland. It had a very humble beginning. It began as the Asia Evening College of Arts and Commerce,  and three classrooms were rented for evening classes at Wah Nam Middle School 4th floor (華南中學) on 22-36 Wai Ching Street (偉晴街 22-36, now Wai Ching court 偉晴閣 ). See photo above.

new asia college 1950, by simtang

It was renamed on 1950-3 as New Asia College when it moved to  Kweilin street 61-65 3rd and 4th floors (above photo). It is now a little garden called New Asia College memorial garden. A plaque in the garden (photo below) with the words "new asia old location".

plaque in the new asia memorial garden, by simtang


A 2009 google map photo of the former New Asia college location at Kweilin street. It was demolished around 2010.

2009 new asia college former location at Kweilin st, by simtang


In 1956, with financial support from the Ford Foundation, it moved to the new campus on Farm road (picture below).  In 1973, it moved to Shatin to join the other colleges.

new asia college on farm road (1956-1972), by simtang 


Today the campus on farm road has become the New Asia middle school:

2022 new asia middle school, by simtang

The founding ceremony of the university took place on Oct 17 1963 in the music hall of City Hall. It was opened by Governor Robert Black. The picture shows the governor leaving after the ceremony with the chairman of university board Cho-Yiu Kwan.

1963 cu founded, by simtang

News report about the ceremony

1963-10-17 cu opening ceremony music hall, by simtang