Western 0333 View from the Peak 1874 Lettered.jpg

At A: Gasworks

Above B: Sunnyside

Left of C: Church Mission House

Above D: Fairlea

Left of E: unknown Possibly Haldon or the property on the North Side of Bonham Road

Above G: Sai On Street Opium Warehouses 

Above G: Westbourne Villa

Right of H: Balls Court

Above I: Craigllechie

Above: J:Greenmount

Left of K: Basel Mission House and Chapel

Above L: Rose Villa

Right of M: Diocesan Home and Orphanage: on 1866 Map here: http://gwulo.com/atom/24050

Above N: Civil and Locke Hospital

Above N: Civil and Locke Hospital: The big building above O should not be there!

Left of K: Berlin Mission

Below Q: Sailors Home

R: St Peters Church

S: Slaughter House/ Shek Tong Tsui Market? 

Afong Lai may be the photographer

The ruined Ball's Court can be seen.

Not sure whats going on at the Civil Hospital. The big white building saw supposed to be built after 1880.

National Archives Reference: CO 1069-445-10

Date picture taken
23 Sep 1874
