Rose Villas (East and West) / Diocesan Girls' School - IL 760 [1880-c.1933]

Submitted by annelisec on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

Rose Villa was a semi-detached home with two parts: Rose Villa East, and Rose Villa West.

In 1900, the Diocesan Girls’ School was founded in Rose Villas.

DGS moved out in about 1912 to their new school in Kowloon.

(completion date from a 1885 listing in the Ladies Directory.


updated 9 Apr 2011

Photos that show this Place



Submitted by
Jabberjabber (not verified)
Sat, 04/09/2011 - 20:17

The Diocesan Home and Orphanage was founded in 1869, replacing the Diocesan Native Female Training School.  It admitted boys and girls, and occupied the building at the corner of Eastern Street and Bonham Road.

By 1892 all the girls were transferred to the Fairlea School (later Heep Yunn). The Diocesan Home and Orphanage was renamed the Diocesan School and Orphanage and took in boys only.

In 1902 the school was again renamed and became the Diocesan Boys' School and Orphanage. It moved to its new campus in Kowloon in 1926. But the military took over the buildings for use as a hospital in 1927-28.

The Diocesan Girls' School was established in 1900, in Rose Villas. It took in Eurasian and European girls, and Chinese girls remained in Fairlea School. The Diocesan Girls' School moved to Jordan Road in Kowloon in 1913.

Thus, the Diocesan Girls' School did not change its name to Diocesan Boys' School and Orphanage, and the latter was never in Rose Villas.