Top pages of 2014

Rank Page
1 Alberose, 132A & 132B Pok Fu Lam Road [1926- ]
2 110 years of Hong Kong Trams in photos
3 1950s photos from military service in Hong Kong
4 Kowloon City - A brief history
5 City of Darkness Revisited - a new edition of the Kowloon Walled City classic
6 29 Magazine Gap Road - formerly 515A The Peak - RBL 38 [1954- ]
7 WW2 volunteer nurses, part 2: The Auxiliary Nursing Service (ANS)
8 Pillboxes and Lyon Lights around the coast of Hong Kong island
9 Lewis William BUSH [1907-1987]
10 Yvonne CUMINE (née HO) [1920-2004]
11 Alice Memorial Hospital, 77–81 Hollywood Road [1887-1921]
12 Raymond / Wah-chaan MOK (aka 莫華燦) [1920-2012]
13 The Sun Department Store / Dah Sing Department Store [1929-1973]
14 Vladimir PETRO-PAVLOVSKY [1897-1971]
15 St. Joseph's "Complex" and Wah Yan College on Robinson Road
16 Jardine's stone gateway (2nd location) [c.1923-c.1972]
17 K11購物藝術館 [2009- ]
18 1854 Jurors List
19 Mysterious Abandoned Mansion at 66 Kennedy Road
20 CPS project 4th update: The neighbourhood
21 Donald W. KERR [????-????]
22 Bacteriological Institute / Pathological Institute / Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences [1906- ]
23 Stone House, Kotewall Road [1923- ]
24 Selwyn-Clarke's Prison Bible at Bedales School
25 Betty Steel's Diary - impressions of an upbringing in 1920s Hong Kong
26 Eric MacNider's wartime diary
27 William Richard WORRALL (aka Dick) [1944- ]
28 James HILL [1905-1984]
29 Old Telecom Compound, Telegraph Bay [????- ]
30 San Wai Barracks (was "Gallipoli Lines") [????- ]
31 WW2 volunteer nurses, part 1: The Nursing Detachment of the HKVDC, aka the VADs
32 Lei Yue Mun Barracks / Lei Yue Mun Holiday Village [????- ]
33 Mei Foo Sun Chuen [1978- ]
34 22 / 23 Broadwood Road [????-????]
35 29, Lugard Road (2nd generation) [1957- ]
36 David LOIE (aka LUI Fook-wing / BAAG codename "M.S." / 雷福榮) [1906-1943]
37 1st Royal Tank Regiment Sek Kong 1957
38 HARA (aka 原 榮二) [????-????]
39 French Convent, Wanchai [????-????]
40 Baat Gaan [Uk] - 赤柱八間屋 - Pat Kan - 8 houses [????- ]
41 Japanese Vessels Sunk in or near Hong Kong 1942-1945
42 St. John's Cathedral Hall / Old Hall / Li Hall [1921- ]
43 Building on western corner of Duddell Street / Queen's Road Central junction [1878-1919]
44 Donald James Neville ANDERSON [1912-1941]
45 LI [????- ]
46 Fung Fai Terrace [????- ]
47 Meet the children who saved Lt. Kerr
48 Military Sanitarium, 504 The Peak [1883-c.1923]
49 4, Broadwood Road [????-????]
50 George Emanuel AHWEE [c.1897-1976]