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Pages tagged: hotel

New Ritz Hotel / Showboat, North Point [????-????]

Submitted by 80sKid on

The New Ritz Hotel was designed by Su Gin Djih who was the architect for a number of buildings in the 1950s and 1960s including the New Ambassador Hotel in TST.



according to 1958 Far Eastern Economic Review address was 893-899 King's Road.

Craigieburn - RBL 5 & 17 - Later a hotel [c.1885-c.1935]

Submitted by annelisec on

1880s - Craigieburn (owner James Anderson)

(rented by the Governor for a few years in the 1890s because Mountain Lodge was not habitable.)

1902 - 1930s Craigieburn Hotel

Public Records Office - R.B.LS. 5 AND 17 - ERECTION OF FIVE-STOREY BUILDINGS ON "CRAIGIEBURN" SITE ,  11.06.1920 - 04.11.1935


2000 -

22 Plantation Road - "Hillcrest"

24 Plantation Road - "Hillview Villas"

2000 map


2002 - 1 Plantation Road

Lyemun Flats / Lyemun Buildings / Harbour View Hotel / Arlington Hotel [1930-1956]

Submitted by David on

Recently we've seen a few mentions of this hotel around late 1930's/early 1940's.

Interesting to see the building on the site today is named "Ocean View Court" in English, but may well be using the same Chinese name as the old hotel.

Airlie / Chardhaven / Baron's Court / ??? / Star Hotel [????-????]

Submitted by David on

23-25 Nathan Road

Mark's map shows this on Nathan Road between Peking and Middle Roads. 

Here's what we know about it so far. Adam first:

The hotel next to the Kowloon Hotel looks like the Chardhaven Hotel. A place by this name is mentioned on page 3 of the China Mail, Apr 8, 1940, but no location is given.


Advert in The Straits Times, 24 October 1939, Page 2

For Sale: