Oriental Hotel 1864

Newspaper clipping from the Hongkong Daily Press 1864-06-17.


Hongkong, China, ESTABLISHED 1856,

Entrance-Wellington Street.

Ladies' Entrance Wyndham Street.


THIS First-class Hotel recommends itself to Travellers and men of business by its central location being only five minutes’ walk from Pedder's Wharf; and in presenting its merits to the Public, the New Proprietors beg to intimate that the business will hereafter be conducted after the manner of the most approved European Establishments of the kind and no pains or expense will be spared in any of its departments to ensure the comfort of visitors.

The Reading Rooms contain a collection of standard works with local papers on file and late English and American Journals on arrival of every Mail.

The Billiard Room is one of the best in the East furnished with Phelans celebrated Carom and Pocket Tables; and at the Bar will always be found a choice selection of Ales, Wines, and Liquers with every variety of plain and fancy drinks.

French Table d'Hote, at 9 A.M.; 1.30 and 7 p.pm.

Families and Parties Supplied

All Languages Spoken.

Hongkong 7th June, 1864.

Date picture taken
17 Jun 1864