Lyemun Flats / Lyemun Buildings / Harbour View Hotel / Arlington Hotel [1930-1956]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
Date closed / demolished

Recently we've seen a few mentions of this hotel around late 1930's/early 1940's.

Interesting to see the building on the site today is named "Ocean View Court" in English, but may well be using the same Chinese name as the old hotel.

Previous place(s) at this location
Later place(s) at this location


Photos that show this Place



  Back in the early fifties we stayed in the Arlington Hotel on Mody Rd. and right next door to the Harbour View, which was on the corner of Mody and Chatham Rds. There was also a large sort of house/mansion (which could have been the one shown in an old photo of Signal Hill) across the road, which may have been called Lytton House.

I'm trying to work out the relationships (if any) between these buildings - all help gratefully received.

Here's what we know so far:

This 1947 map shows the area around Mody Road & Chatham Road. I've marked two buildings A & B.

Building B is this Place. The side facing Chatham Road was curved, as shown in this photo. At some point it housed the Harbour View Hotel. The building itself was called variously Lyeemoon / Lyemun / Lei U Mun Building(s).

Building A was next door. You can see it in this photo. A couple of readers remember it as the Arlington Hotel.

Were buildings A & B collectively known as Lyeemoon Buildings?

Their design looks very similar. And the current building on the site (Ocean View Court, completed 1958) occupies the site of both buildings A & B, suggesting they were re-developed together.

Regards, David

The Lyemun Flats were new modern buildings ready for occupation in November 1930. Each block was 4 storeys high with 16 flats and owned by the Spanish Dominican Procuration. The flats came along with built-in wardrobes and Kelvinators!

Who can resist a Kelvinator?!

Thanks for the extra information. So it looks as though these were built on the site of the older Lyeemoon Villas as two blocks of flats, then later some or all of the flats were used as hotels.

I've set the completion date per your newspaper article, and estimated the demolition date to 1956, based on the completion of the next building on the site.

Regards, David