New Ritz Hotel / Showboat, North Point [????-????]

Submitted by 80sKid on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

The New Ritz Hotel was designed by Su Gin Djih who was the architect for a number of buildings in the 1950s and 1960s including the New Ambassador Hotel in TST.



according to 1958 Far Eastern Economic Review address was 893-899 King's Road.

Later place(s) at this location

Photos that show this Place



I've added "Showboat" to the title. I'm not sure if the whole building changed its name from New Ritz to Showboat, or if New Ritz was the hotel and Showboat was the nightclub at the hotel.

This Google search gives a couple of mentions:

  • 1965: 893-9 Kings Road, No. Pt. terrace. Showboat Cable : Newritz Night club, dancing, entertainment. About a 15-minute drive out of town. Patronized chiefly by Asian guests, as most tourists prefer to be closer in.
  • 1970: SHOWBOAT : 893-899 King's Road, Hong Kong. Tel: H610012. The decor being very 1920's has now once again become very "with it." Two floorshows every night. A ...

The current building at this address dates from 1976, and is called Showboat Mansion.

There is an entire article with photo dedicated to the forthcoming opening in “several weeks' time" of the $3,500,000 10-storey New Ritz Hotel situated along the North Point waterfront - boasting "Fully air-conditioned, with television, Rediffusion, dial telephones in every room, and with the added luxury of a swimming pool..."

It keeps going on about the pool and how amazing it is - filled with fresh salt water and the finest modern filtering equipment which cleans the salt water once every four hours. At night the pool will be drained and completely changed with fresh salt water...

Source: The China Mail, page 8, 4th June 1958