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Pages tagged: hotel

Victoria Hotel, DVRC [????-c.1895]

Submitted by David on

This building stood on the south side of Des Voeux Road Central, from Li Yuen Street West across to Pottinger Street. I'm not sure how far south towards Queen's Road the building extended. [Update: It extended the full length of the block, see: https://gwulo.com/comment/55565#comment-55565]

When it was built it stood on the seafront, so it is easily seen on photos taken from the harbour.

Its construction date isn't known yet, but when it collapsed in 1895 (see below), it was described as "one of the oldest in the Colony".

China Hong Kong City [1988- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

China Hong Kong City is a commercial complex including five office towers which have a shopping centre, office buildings, a hotel (The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers) and a ferry terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It is situated along Canton Road, south of the Tsim Sha Tsui Fire Station. The complex is managed by Sino Group.  It was completed and opened in 1988.

According to its Chinese version webpage, it is the largest building in the world with golden coloured screenwall.

Clover Hotel / Royal Hotel / Chunghing Hotel, 380 Nathan Road [c.1957-c.1987]

Submitted by David on

Klaus found this information:

The book "Golden Guide to South and East Asia" from 1967 gives the following information: "Clover Hotel, (380 Nathan Rd., Tel. 846191, cable CLOVERTEL). 86 rooms, single 25$ up, double 35 up, suites 70 up. Chinese restaurant."

National Hotel [????-????]

Submitted by David on

There are mentions of John Olson at the National Hotel in the newspaper reports of Annual Licensing sessions:

6 Nov 1878. Renewals of their licenses were granted to all the other applicants, namely, [...]Stag Hotel, Jessie Cook; [...] National Hotel, John Olson; [...]. HK Daily Press.

2 Nov 1880. John Olsen, "National Hotel;" has held a license for 14 years; unopposed ; granted.

The China Mail.

1850s impressions of Hong Kong by English visitors reprinted in "The Chater Collection"

Submitted by jill on

I was interested to read the following the accounts of British visitors to Hong Kong in the 1850s reprinted in "Sir Paul Chater. The Chater Collection. Pictures relating to China, Hong Kong," by James Orange, 1924.

The first is by Laurence Oliphant and taken from "The Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's mission to China and Japan in the years 1857, '58, '59":