Victoria Hotel, DVRC [????-c.1895]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

This building stood on the south side of Des Voeux Road Central, from Li Yuen Street West across to Pottinger Street. I'm not sure how far south towards Queen's Road the building extended. [Update: It extended the full length of the block, see:]

When it was built it stood on the seafront, so it is easily seen on photos taken from the harbour.

Its construction date isn't known yet, but when it collapsed in 1895 (see below), it was described as "one of the oldest in the Colony".

By 1884 it was occupied by the Victoria Hotel, and the hotel continued in operation there until late 1894. [Update: The hotel opened on 1 December 1883, see:]

On 30 May 1895 the building's roof collapsed, killing three people who were in the building at the time. The roof beams were found to be eaten through by termites. The collapse was reported on p.2 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1895-05-30, with this information about the building:

The house in question is one of the oldest in the Colony, and the owner is a Chinaman, who is up-country, while the mortgagees are, it is alleged, Messrs, Sassoon, Sons & Co., and Mr. C. P, Chater. When the premises were given up about six months ago by Messrs. Madar and Farmer, the lessees a of what is known as the New Victoria Hotel, it was understood that it was no longer fit for human habitation and would be promptly replaced by a block of substantial semi-European houses.

Plans were, we hear, submitted by the Public Works Department recently for the removal and reconstruction of one of the walls of the house, but nothing was done.

I've assumed the ruined building was completely demolished and the site cleared by the end of the year.

Later place(s) at this location


Photos that show this Place



It appears the Victoria Hotel was closed on the 15th July 1894.

"We learn that on the 15th inst. the Victoria Hotel will be closed. The block of buildings will afterwards be demolished and replaced by shop-houses."

Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 2nd July 1894

Not sure if Messrs Madar and Farmer (see opening post) bought the place shortly later with the intention of opening it as the 'New Victoria Hotel' but clearly even they gave up the enterprise 6 months before the whole termite ridden roof collapsed on 30th May 1895. 

In the opening post David mentioned he wasn't sure how far south the building extended towards Queen's Road. From the following advertisement in 1884 for the Victoria Hotel, the address listed both the Praya and Queen's Road Central suggesting the building extended from the Praya all the way south to Queen's Road Central.

Victoria Hotel The China Mail page 1 18th December 1884 .png, by eurasian_david


Source: The China Mail, page 1, 18th December 1884 

The Victoria Hotel shortly after its closure started to auction off its contents over three days in July (25th, 26th and 28th) (NB. the address was stated as Queen's Road Central)

Victoria Hotel Auction Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 24th July 1894.png, by eurasian_david

Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 1, 24th July 1894

And on the same day paper, a licence was granted to Mr. Ismael Pillay Madar to move the business to 9 Queens Road Central to be renamed 'The New Victoria Hotel' 

“A special sessions of the Licensing Justices was held at the Magistracy yesterday morning to consider an application from Mr. I.P. Madar to be allowed to remove the business licensed on the premises known as “The Victoria Hotel” to No. 9, Queen’s Central, under the sign of “The New Victoria Hotel.” Commander W.C. Hastings presided, and there were also present Mr. E.W. Mitchell, Mr. G. Murray Bain, Mr. Harry Wicking, Mr. G. Horspool, and Mr. Findlay Smith. There being no police objection the application was at once granted.”  

Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 2, 24th July 1894

The New Victoria Hotel opened on 1st September 1894. This was at 9 Queen's Road Cental, Hong Kong with Mr. Ismael Pillay Madar and Mr. William Farmer as proprietors.

The New Victoria Hotel Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 1st September 1894.png, by eurasian_david

Source: Hong Kong Daily Mail, page 1, 1st September 1894


So was this New Victoria Hotel at a different address from the Old Victoria Hotel? And it was this new hotel that was given up a few months later and eventually the roof collapsed on 30th May 1895? 

Edit: It must have been the old Victoria Hotel roof that collapsed in 1895 as here is an advertisement for the New Victoria Hotel in December 1896 with the same proprietors. So the two hotels were different buildings at different addresses.

The New Victoria Hotel Hong Kong Daily Press page 1 10th December 1896.png, by eurasian_david

Source: Hong Kong Daily Press, page 1, 10th December 1896

The Victoria Hotel at 22 Praya Central was opened on 1 December 1883. The proprietors were Dorabjee (Norowjee) and Hing Kee. Hong Kong Daily Press 3 December 1883 refers. 

The 1903 map at: shows details of Hong Kong Harbour. However, buildings inland  have yet to be updated. In it, the old Victoria Hotel can be seen extending from the then Praya on DVRC to Queen's Road Central prior to its demolishment.