Photos of Hongkong Hotel - Queen's Road at Pedder Street [1868-1952]

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Year Sort descending Title
1868 View from Battery Point

1868 Central & mid-levels from the Hong Kong Hotel
Central & mid-levels from the Hong Kong Hotel

1869 Queen's Road Central looking east 1869
Queen's Road Central looking east1869

c.1870 Murray Battery and Harbour
Murray Battery and Harbour

1875 Queen's Road Central 1875 annotated
Queen's Road Central 1875 annotated

1875 Queen's Road Central 1870s annotated
central 1870 2 kopie

1875 Hong Kong Hotel - Queen's Road at Pedder Street

1879 Panorama from above Conduit Road
Panorama from above Conduit Road

1886 Pedder wharf
Pedder wharf

1889 typhoon damage 1889
typhoon damage 1889

c.1889 Pedder's Wharf, Before the storm. [No. 4A]
Pedder's Wharf, Before the storm.

1880s Hong Kong Hotel (1880s)

1903 A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel and Clock Tower sent to Austria on 3 March 1903
A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel and Clock Tower sent to Austria on 3 March 1903

1904 Hong Kong postcard sold by Graca & Co. sent to Seine et Oise, France on 6 July 1904
Hong Kong postcard sold by Graca & Co. sent to Seine et Oise, France on 6 July 1904

1904 A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel sent to England dated 17 December 1904
A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel sent to England dated 17 December 1904

1906 Menu for Tiffin at Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. H.J.P. Anderson on November 30th, 1906 at the Hongkong Hotel
November 30th, 1906 Menu for Tiffin at Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. H.J.P. Anderson

c.1906 1906 pedder street clock tower and hong kong hotel
1906 pedder street and clock tower and hong kong hotel

1907 Campbell, Moore and Co.
Campbell, Moore and Co.

1908 Hotel lamp
Hotel lamp

1908 c.1908 Pedder Street
c.1908 Pedder Street

c.1908 Pedder Street c.1908
Pedder Street c.1908

1909 A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel sent to England on 16 October 1909
A postcard of the Hong Kong Hotel sent to England on 16 October 1909

1900s 1900s Pedder Street Clocktower
1900s Pedder Street Clocktower

1912 A postcard of Hongkong Hotel sent to Shanghai on 15 January 1912
A postcard of Hongkong Hotel sent to Shanghai on 15 January 1912

1918 A letter envelope of Hongkong Hotel sent to Philadelphia, USA on 20 February 1918
A letter envelope of Hong Kong Hotel sent to Philadelphia, USA on 20 February 1918

1919 1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking North
1919 Peace Celebrations - Pedder Street Looking North

1919 Pedder Street
Pedder Street

1910s 1910 Pedder Street
1910 Pedder Street

1921 1920s Queen's Road Central

1922 A letter cover sent to San Francisco, California, USA by a guest of the Hongkong Hotel, Mr. H.H. Haut, on 29 April 1922
A letter sent to San Francisco, California, USA by a guest of the Hongkong Hotel, Mr. H.H. Haut, on 29 April 1922

1924 Shell House - 1924
Shell House - 1924

1925 c.1925 Pedder Street
c.1925 Pedder Street

1925 Hotel corner
Hotel corner

c.1925 A principal street in Hong Kong [Pedder Street]
A principal street in Hong Kong [Pedder Street]

1927 18 Hilly Hong Kong City from Peak Panorama
18 Hilly Hong Kong City from Peak Panorama

1933 veronica butterfields wedding 25 april 1933
veronica butterfields wedding 25 april 1933

1930s 1930s Pedder Street
1930s Pedder Street

1930s 1930s Hong Kong Hotel
1920s Hong Kong Hotel

1940 Wedding Kiki and Louis in HK-cake.jpg
Wedding Kiki and Louis in HK-cake.jpg

1941 man carried in sedan, downtown Hong Kong - 1941

1941 1941 Hong Kong Land properties
1941 Hong Kong Land properties

1941 Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street
Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1941 Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street
Junction of Queen's Road Central and Duddell Street

1945 Chung Wan
Chung Wan

1946 Pedder Street
Pedder Street

1947 HK Hotel 1947.jpg
HK Hotel 1947.jpg

1947 dad orloff.jpg
dad orloff.jpg

1949 gripps.jpg

1950 143-People.jpg

1950 138-People.jpg

1950 137-People.jpg

1950 135-People.jpg

1950 134-People.jpg

1950 132-People-Cloak-Room-Ground-Floor-HongKong-Hotel.jpg

1950 130-People-Cloak-Room-Ground-Floor-HongKong-Hotel.jpg

1951 hong kong hotel, jan[1]. 1951

1953 1950s Central
1950s Central

1954 a Queens Road.
a Queens Road.

1956 1950s Junction of Queen's Rd C and Pedder St
1950s Junction of Queen's Rd C and Pedder St