A look at what's new on the Gwulo website...
- What's on: a new exhibition from The Photographic Heritage Foundation, 'Photographs from the 1950s: Marjorie Doggett's Singapore, Lee Fook Chee's Hong Kong'. It runs until 30 May.
- HONG KONG, January, 1871 - a copy of a letter written by William Perry Fogg, with his impressions and observations after arriving in Hong Kong in 1871
- At the end of last year, local newspaper Apple Daily interviewed me about collecting old Hong Kong photos, and running the Gwulo website. They initially published it in Chinese, but I see they've just released a new version with English subtitles:
- Readers are looking for information about:
- Was Frederick P. Franklin the writer "Candidus" in the SCMP in 1946 and 1947, of a column called "Comment"?
- Does anyone have any high-resolution pictures of Cap Badge Hill?
- Graham is writing a biography of Sir Cecil Clementi and would like to hear from "anyone who cares to share information, documentation, photographs, comment or opinion on the subject of Sir Cecil, his life and times."
- Looking for information about this pair of Victorian miniatures, marked "Hong Kong, December 1861".
- Was Frederick P. Franklin the writer "Candidus" in the SCMP in 1946 and 1947, of a column called "Comment"?
- Updates & answers:
- Further discussion about "Did the British military train with live ammo in Hong Kong's country parks?"
- Hong Kong
- 120 Wellington Street [1880- ], a rare surviving example of an early Hong Kong shophouse
- 西環鐘聲泳棚 (Kennedy Town swimming shed) [1960- ]
- Silage Silo above Pokfulam Village [????- ], part of the old Dairy Farm site
- Photos from recent visits to WW2 relics:
- Aberdeen Battery's lower platform, and the battery's Defence Electric Light
- Cash's Bungalow
- Aberdeen Battery's lower platform, and the battery's Defence Electric Light
- Klaus continues documenting the houses along Barker Road, looking at the changes between 1931 and 2017
Barker Road Houses 1931 and 2017 , by Klaus
- 120 Wellington Street [1880- ], a rare surviving example of an early Hong Kong shophouse
- Kowloon
- New Territories
- More on the Shing Mun Valley waterworks: the southern portal of the South Tunnel, and the Reception Reservoir it delivers water to,
- New photos of Pillbox 314
- Nepalese Hindu Temple, Burma Lines [????- ], near Fanling
- More on the Shing Mun Valley waterworks: the southern portal of the South Tunnel, and the Reception Reservoir it delivers water to,
Book News
Have you spotted any mistakes in Volume 4 of my books?
We're getting ready to reprint as we're down to the last box of books, and I'll use this chance to tidy up any typos, etc. I know of one correction that's needed on page 33, but please let me know if you've noticed any others.
Bob Tatz has published a second edition of his memoir, Lost in the Battle for Hong Kong.
Bookazine have a promotion this weekend offering 15% off books in their online store, including all four of Gwulo's books:
- Photos of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in Hong Kong
- REPATRIATION NOTICE NO. 39 on 21 Nov 1945, for HMS Glory, heading to Manila
- Kwong Kan CHEUNG, first principal of the Cheung Chau Fisheries Joint Association Public School
- Gilbert Alexander HARRIMAN [1900-1981], a founder member of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, HKRNVR, POW
- James HEANG (aka Chen Ah Heang) [c.1844-????] - did he die in Hong Kong?
- Ian Ross JACK [1916-1969], policeman, interned at Stanley Camp together with his wife Alice, and son David
- Paul KUPFER [1842-1881], a German sea captain
- Alfred Richard OSBORNE [1898-????], Timekeeper at Taikoo, interned at Stanley
- John Edward POTTER [1905-1941], Architect with Leigh & Orange, HKVDC, killed in the fighting in 1941
- Wai Kee is the oldest retail jeweller and silversmith in Hong Kong.
- Anna May WATERS [1903-1987], one of the two nurses who accompanied the Canadian soldiers to Hong Kong in 1941
Click to see all recently added photos.