Japanese wartime tunnels

Submitted by David on

We've looked at the tunnels built by the British before the war [1], but how about those built during the Japanese occupation?

The Japanese dug a variety of tunnels throughout Hong Kong. Some, like the tunnel near Diocesan Boys School [2], were used to store ammunition and explosives. Others in the built-up areas [3] were likely built as air-raid shelters. Then out in the countryside, many smaller tunnels were dug into hillsides [4]. These were likely prepared against possible invasion, and would be used by Japanese soldiers fighting a guerilla war.

I expect the tunnels in the built-up areas have long been dug up, filled in, or just forgotten about. But out in the countryside they are often left untouched, and lie next to hiking trails. I'm hoping you've seen some that you can let us know about.

Here is a map of the tunnels I've seen - only four so far, so we definitely need some help to add more.

Add another tunnel.

To add another tunnel to the map, click the 'add another tunnel' link above, and be sure to put japanese tunnel in the Tags: field. Then after you click the 'submit' button it will be added to this map. If you're adding a tunnel in the countryside, please include a description of how to find it in the Notes:, as it's not always easy to see where they are on the satellite image.

I'd also love to hear any stories or memories you have about these - who built them (POWs? local workers? etc), what the tunnels were used for, etc.


[1] Map of wartime Air-raid Precaution tunnels built by the British

[2] Japanese tunnels, Diocesan Boys School

[3] Japanese tunnels, Former Marine Police HQ

[4] Japanese tunnels, Buffalo Hill and Mount Cameron


Submitted by
AhP (not verified)
Mon, 07/14/2008 - 14:23

Whilst up around Lion Rock (more accurately near the pass between Fei Ngo Shan and Lion Rock) I saw a couple of tunnels dug into the hillside by the path there. They do not appear to be re-enforced with concrete, but rather just dug out of the earth/rock. Quite a bit of lap sap in them, and I didn't feel like venturing far in - this time of year I'm not overly keen on snakes and mosquitos! On the MacLehose I have seen the stone markers relating to GDL defence positions, but these tunnels are away from that path. They do not really seem to be in defence positions, so I was just wondering what they are. I realise that my location description is about as accurate as a visually-impaired maggot with a rifle. However, I will try to see if I can pin-point it on a map and maybe go back there with my camera and take a few snaps.

AhP, they sound like Japanese tunnels if they don't use any concrete reinforcement.

I think they were dug as hiding places / stores for the soldiers, so they wouldn't be located in a defensive position like a pillbox would.

Any chance you can add a place to show exactly where they are on the map? Click here, use the '+' button to zoom in to the right area, then click the map to add a marker to show where they are. I find clicking the satellite or hybrid buttons on the map makes it easier to find the location if it is in the countryside.

Photos are very welcome too - either post them up somewhere like Flickr and we can link to them, or send them in and we'll upload them.

Regards, MrB

Tried going to take photos of these tunnel entrances, but Sha Tin Pass Road is blocked at the moment because of landslides from last month's rain, so wasn't able to get through. Will try again soon...

Submitted by
Craig (not verified)
Mon, 10/20/2008 - 21:39

I've come across a few of these tunnels while poking around.
There is one on Lamma near the YMCA youth Camp 1km north of Sok Kwu Wan. You need to walk up to the top of a small hill (120m high) just east of the YMCA. It's three tunnels connected underneath the very top. Can be wet and you'll need a torch.

There is one on near the top of Mt Butler as you walk up past the Quarry stairs near the H057 marker, near where it splits towards Sui Ma Shan . The main entrance is blocked off by a couple of wooden posts that can be clearly seen while on the trail. It connects to two other openings. One right next to the trail about 10m away but can't be seen from the trail and the other right trough to the other of the hill (30m) side looking over the harbor.

There are a couple others of blocked up further up the trail as it heads up to the top of Mt Butler that can't be entered.

The best and biggest I've come across- not for the faint hearted- is on the way down the HK trail from Jardine's lookout about 50m before the bottom, near the Quarry (before H057 marker). As you come down all the stairs, down on your right side you'll find a big entrance that has been mostly filled in but with a big enough hole to go in. it opens out into a big chamber with number other tunnels and side rooms. WARNING one tunnel near the back is FULL with BATS which scared the @#$% out of me the first time. I went back a second time prepared with long clothing and gloves. We were very quite and the bats didn't seem to mind us being there looking around the other tunnels. There were a few flying around and as I recall hundreds lining the ceiling. It was a bit hair raising, But quite interesting being inside.

Other smaller one I've found around Tai Tam Bay right near the water line. One near Tung Ah Village (Shek O side) the other, on the red hill peninsular about 100m south of the Pumping Station. Both are small and hard to see until on top of them.

Bellow are the Google Earth Coordinates.

Lamma : 22°12'51.34"N 114° 7'41.46"E
Bat Cave: 22°16'1.29"N 114°12'8.67"E
Mt Butler: 22°16'8.41"N 114°12'23.92"E

I'll keep my eye out and let you know what I find if anyone is interested

Hi there,

I was totally unaware of the bat cave when I went down the steps from Jardine's Lookout.  Maybe it was in the shades, or it was already getting dark.  I walked pass the saddle between Jardine's Lookout and Mount Butlet at around 1730 hrs.

Best Regards,


I'm glad you found those tunnels. Always nice to share something you know that others will really enjoy.

I suspect that the tunnels where once even bigger but in some places it has caved in. I did have a look around the side of the hill near the back exit (from your video) to see if I could see any thing else, but it is a bit hazardous and couldn't see any thing. But I think there may be others close by that once all connected.

I see you like your ARP's as well. Have you ever been to the Civil Engineering and Development Building,
101 Princess Margaret Road,Kowloon, near Ho Man Tin? The Library in the basement has lots of information I think you'll like. They have lots of detailed files on all of the ARP's and other war time relics such as the old barrack's on the Pacific Place location. Their files contain detail maps, blueprints, photographs, geologic reports ect .... very extensive. You can turn up during office hours and Photocopy what you want (with octopus card, I think?). The staff were very helpful when I went, and helped me search on their computer data base. I Went about 2 years ago and think there where about 100 files. I found an interesting one at the end of Ap Lei Chau bridge in Aberdeen. It is a giant U shaped ARP. One exit can been seen near the end of the bridge where it loops around with a big steel door. The other exit (20m east) is within the school next doors plot. you can just see it bricked up in the side of the hill next to the playground under the building. I haven't been able to get into them...yet.

I also know of other blocked up up Japanese tunnels near Black's Link. If you walk up to the top and then follow the Hong Kong trail (backwards) you can clearly see about 4-5 blocked up tunnels on your right side for about 400m. But no other info on those.

good luck in your findings. Craig

Hi Craig, yes, a lot of the info here about ARP tunnels has come from the reports in the Civil Engineering library. As you say, it's a great resource.

I've put the ARP tunnels up on a map, I think your Aberdeen tunnel will be #26.

Finally are the Black's Link tunnels these ones, along the section of the trail between Black's link and Middle Gap Road?

Thanks again for sharing the info,


Yeah I think the pictures you have are of the ones I'm thinking about. I think there might be other openings just off the track that are covered over and hard to see.

I also bought a good little book called Hong Kong War Relics from Cosmos books in Wan Chai Which has some good stuff in it. I also saw more recently a Chinese book with lots of WW2 stuff but no English (Causewaybay)

Have you ever been on any local history walks? I've done a couple with Martin Heyes which have always been interesting.

I'm hoping "Santa" gives me a metal detector this year so I can have search around. I'm sure there are still loads of stuff around the sites.

Hi there,

The book mentioned might have been the one talking about WWII Military sites - New Territory chapter.   It's ISBN number is 978-988-210-639-0  The book was written by Mr Joe Yip, who seems to be working in the ambulance service for more than 14 years.

There is a Preface in English, and another short piece talking the Sai Wan Cemetary and Memorial and the Defence of Hong Kong.

The editorial team could be reached through    volunteer411225@yahoo.com.hk or edit@rightman.net 

Here is a link with a photo of the cover of the book.   It's the one in the lower left of the photo.

Best Regards,

Craig, I haven't heard of Martin Heyes before. His history walks sound interesting - do you know if he has a website?

T, Have you hada chance to look at that book? I'll look at a copy next time I'm by a good bookshop, but would be interested to hear someone's review. I guess I'll be limited to just looking at the photos :-(


Dear Mr B,

I have that book.  It's title emphasis on WWII wartime relics.  The book was primarily printed in Chinese, with an extra English Preface, and the two pieces I mentioned above.

It basically covers the whole Gin Drinker's Line from west to east,  the Shing Mun Redoubt et al together with the various long and short popular hiking routes in Northern Kowloon and the New Territories.  The editorial team has quite a lot of advisors and Tim Ko was amon them.  The book has a war time map showin the defence lines and location, with information of various batteries around the harbour.  Despite the abundant of photos, the disadvange of the maps and photos is that they are always too small for a pleasant reading.

They have also covered British and Japanese uniform, with information of small arms & guns.  I have only browsed through it a few times.  Not exactly reading thoroughly, I'm afraid.

My 2 cents,


MrB, I have done a number of walks with Martin. He is a old family friend that takes historic war tours all over Hk with friends and tourists. I've done a few with him - Shing Mun, Wong Nai Chung Gap, Devil's Peak & Pinewood. I've also been with him to most of the other sites around and he has an encyclopedic knollage of the battle of HK .
He does them quite frequently, but doesn't have a web site.
I'll give him a ring over the weekend and find out what he has planned in the near future - we always welcomes newcomers. I'll let you know the outcome.

I've also thought of a couple of small Japanese Tunnels I've found
1) Along the wong Nai Chung Gap war trail, as you walk up the stairs past the covered water tank towards Jb/pb 01 I think. you keep going up the stairs onto a garden with a bit of a tin shack. On the left hand side their is a small trail (east) just around the corner there is a small one with a single entrance about 10m deep.

2) Bottom of Blacks link, near the Police Museum. There is a park behind which is a path down towards Aberdeen reservoir. A couple of hundred meters down about 5m up on your right is one. It is about the side of the path that has been sprayed with concrete. Only small.

That was the book I saw that somebody kindly posted.

T, thanks for the info about the book. Sounds like it is worth a look.

Craig, Yes, please let us know when Martin's next walks are planned, and the topics they'll cover.

Thanks for the extra tunnels. I think #1 is this one? #2 is a new one to me.

Reards, MrB

Hi there,

I was wondering if you were talking about the one along Aberdeen Reservoir Road........  If so, it would be this:


Photo 1:  see the big rock in the middle


Photo 2: Closing in


Photo 3:  A little bit closer


Photo 4:  Almost on top of it. 

I don't actually know what it is when I first discovered it.  I suspect it might have something to do with the apartment tower above...... but I guess the Government files in Homantin might have information about this one.


The pictures of the suspected tunnel on Aberdeen Reservoir Road is not the one that I have seen. The one that I thinking of, is higher up the road closer to Stubbs road. I'll take a snap the next time I'm there. It's only about 5-10m deep and looks like local workers have used it at some time as it is full of crap.... Not all that exciting to be honest.

The other tunnel near Wong Nai Chung that I mentioned has already been noted by somebody on the map, near a small stream.

I have been in touch with Martin Hayes about his war relic/history tours
He does Pinewood most Thursday afternoons and Wong Nai Chung gap trail most Sundays.
He said that he is also looking at doing another tour up Devil's Peak soon.
The other thing that he is trying to put together is a tour over the boarder to Humen, where the opium was destroyed in 1839 which lead to the Opium Wars and Britain gaining HK. The original kilns are still there apparently.

I'll put info onto this site when it becomes available about these and other tours.

PS. I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only Nutter in HK ferreting around ankle deep in disused holes.

Craig - I always enjoy reading your posts, as I have to admit I also enjoy ferretting about in the country parks looking for holes! (Another Nutter!)

Thought you might be interested in an unusual tunnel I found today.

I was checking out a Pill Box on Sir Cecil's Ride near Braemar Hill. There's a picture of it on Google Earth. I don't know how old that pic is: you can clearly see Mount Parker in the background. Today the pill box is surrounded by trees... anyway...

About one third of the concrete floor is missing inside the box. (The box itself has major structural damage.) Here's the unusual bit. The earth has been dug out where the concrete floor is gone. When I climbed into the hole I could see a very small tunnel leading off to the South. It's just enough room to crawl on your elbows... and it looks like it goes about 4 or 5 metre and possibly turns left... or maybe just stops. I certainly wasn't going to crawl in there to find out!

I'll try to attach some pictures I took with my phone. This is my first post to Batgung... so I may not get the technology right!

Craig, thanks for following up re Martin Heyes. I'd like to join one of his Pinewood walks, as it's an area I often go walking around.

HillWalker,  that's an interesting site you describe, thanks for letting us know about it.

And yes, it's hard to come up with a rational explanation of why these places are interesting! They're a part of Hong Kong's history though, and as there doesn't seem to be much public documentation about them it would be great if over time we can learn more about them as we all chip in what we know.

regards, MrB

Thanks MrB. There is something very beguiling about HK's history.

I too would like join one of Martin Heyes's walks. Please do give details.

I just attended one of Jason Wordie's battlefield tours, which was fascinating. As well as an overview of the battle, Jason gives particular emphasis to personal stories which he has gathered from eye witnesses.


Hello again Chaps.

Firstly, I've spoken to Martin again and he is more than happy for anyone interested in more details about any of his war/history tours around HK to Email him at


They are really quite interesting, it sounds like Jason Wordie's tours are similar, with personal stories about the individuals involved as well as the overall history.

HillWalker, thanks for your recent findings near Mt Butler, I’ll be sure to check it out in the coming days. And I have seen the photos you have uploaded… can’t wait to have a poke about.

MrB, Again I have thought about some other (suspected) Japanese tunnels I know. They are up near Luk Keng. They are along Luk Keng Rd. I saw two substantial looking entrances blocked up from the road. I did manage to have a quick look at one and I’m guessing they are similar in design to the others that I have seen and may have other access points further up the hill out of sight. But as it is miles from my neck of the woods I haven’t yet explored them.
I saw them when I went looking at the Japanese concrete pillbox’s that circle the top of the Hill at Luk Keng. If you haven’t been up there I would suggest it, although getting to the top is rather tricky with no real good path up. They are in very good condition. But beware, there is a trench that goes all the way around the top and it can be very difficult to see where you are putting your feet and one could easily take a tumble …. A good walking stick may be in order.
I was up there about a year ago, and from memory I am guessing the locations of the two are roughly at.
1: 22°31'33.80"N, 114°12'28.29"E
2: 22°31'27.77"N, 114°12'37.88"E

Good Luck.

P.S. If anyone knows of a place in HK that sells decent metal detectors, please share.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas.



 Thanks for the lead on Martin Heyes. Will follow him up in the new year.

The only metal dector I've seen in HK was a wonderful Chinese PLA mine-detecting contraption on sale years ago in Shamshuipo - at a gweilo asking price of $3000. Bargain! (More of a collector's item than a useful tool.) I'd try online.

 Happy hunting. Merry Christmas.


Craig thanks for the extra info.

That Luk Keng site is one I'm also interested to see. Thanks for the heads-up about the trench.

Alas, I am grounded for a few weeks with a painful hip. "No hiking" says the doctor, so I'll be stuck to flat walks around town instead - maybe time to see some more ARP tunnels. But I'll look forward to hearing / seeing what everyone else is finding.

Regards, MrB

I wrote to Martin for more information about his walks. He says he currently does two walks on a regular basis:

Yes, I do conduct guided tours of Hong Kong's military history past. At the moment I conduct 2 tours for the HK Tourism Board. The first is conducted on a Thursday morning, from 1000 to 1200 hrs (approx finish time), and is from the Peak Tram terminus to the Pinewood Battery. We go round the heritage trail there, and I recount the history of the battery. On the way we also look at the site of the Tyndareus Stone, which commemorates the connection between HK and an act of great bravery by British soldiers whose troopship hit a German mine off the South African coast in 1917. (The troops were on the way to HK at the time).

On Sundays, between 1000 and 1300 hrs, I conduct a tour of the Wong Nei Chong (WNC) Trail, which is an official heritage trail commemorating the events of 18 and 19 December 1941, when the Japanese invaded HK island and captured the all-important WNC Gap.

As Martin notes, the tours are run by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). The good news is that they are free of charge, the catch is that the HKTB runs them for visitors to Hong Kong. If you are a visitor, you can find out more about the walks under the "HKTB Nature Kaleidoscope Programme". Visit one of the HKTB offices to collect a brochure, and to make a booking for the walk.

HKTB offices can be found at Exit C of Causeway Bay MTR, and at TST Star Ferry.
If you are not able to join the HKTB walks, Martin also notes that he is "happy to conduct tours for individuals for a very moderate payment." Contact Martin for further details: martin.heyes@gmail.com


All this talk of Japanese tunnels has me thinking that there must be many more that haven't quite made it into the public domain yet. Aside from the ones at Luk Keng, I wonder how many more have been dug into the hillsides of the New Territories.

The reason I mention this is because I was in Palau a while ago. This place was a Japanese base during the war - and subsequently got bombed to smithereens by the US in Operation Desecrate 1. The place is literally littered with WW2 relics (armoury, AA guns, machine guns, cannons, sunken planes and ships etc) that were just left in situ, and have remained so for the past 60 years.

Most interesting was the proliferation of tunnels dug into the hillsides. Some in quite obvious places. Not all of them as well engineered as some of the HK examples but the sheer number of them is amazing.

So I wonder why Palau has so many and yet Hong Kong seems to have very few? Is it because rampant development has erased a lot of them, as the original post mentions, or just that they are in places where people rarely go. Perhaps HK was never seen, by the Japanese, as a place where tunnels like the ones in Palau would be needed?

Can any one help an ignoramous? I would have thought with all this hiking in HK most would have been found by now. Do the local Chinese books have more information about them?

Hi Philk

That's interesting to hear about the war detritus at Palau.

Re HK, I know there are more tunnels waiting to be discovered. Note how MrB marked four tunnels when he initiated the Japanese Tunnel map in July 2008. Now there are 12 markers.

I suspect after the British marched back into HK in 1945 they spent the next few months uncovering the tunnels and ensuring there were no surprises inside. Afterwhich, I am sure they were blocked up and forgotten. I wonder if the tunnels' locations were ever mapped accurately for future reference.



I'm sure there were hundreds of them all over the place. 

We have managed to uncover quite a few, mainly on HK island. Half of which seem to be blocked. I'm guessing that the N.T. must be littered with them.

I bought a book called "A travel of HK Mainland Defence Ruins WWII" which seem to be the best local one that I've seen.  It shows nearly all of the ruins from Shing Mun to Devil's peak with loads of other stuff in Sai Kung. It also show a number of Japanese tunnels in the area, None of which I've been to... yet. However it is in Chinese and I need to ask someone at work for a bit of help. It does look like it has some onfo too on these tunnels, I'll get on the case tomorrow and let you know.

Craig, do you have the Chinese characters, or a screen shot of the book? Sounds like it might be the sort of thing I am after.Sai Kung sounds like an ideal place for it - many of the mountains overlooking Port Shelter.

Hillwalker, here is a link to some of the photos I took when I was in Palau: Palau War Relics. I think it must be too expensive to get this stuff cleared and now is just part of the landscape.



Hi Phil

Fantastic pictures. Thanks for sharing those. Amazing to think those old war relics are just rusting away.

Jason Wordie/ Ko Tim Keung's book is a great road map for finding current day WWII war relics in HK. Unfortunately it's out of print, but you might find it online.



Ruins of War:
A Guide to Hong Kong's Battlefields and Wartime Sites by Jason Wordie, Ko Tim KeungISBN 9620413725 / 9789620413728 / 962-04-1372-5

Philk: Tngan has kindly placed some information on the book.

"Hi there,

The book mentioned might have been the one talking about WWII Military sites - New Territory chapter.   It's ISBN number is 978-988-210-639-0  The book was written by Mr Joe Yip, who seems to be working in the ambulance service for more than 14 years.

There is a Preface in English, and another short piece talking the Sai Wan Cemetary and Memorial and the Defence of Hong Kong.

The editorial team could be reached through    volunteer411225@yahoo.com.hk or edit@rightman.net "

Philk, I purchased my book from Commercial Press Bookshop in Causeway bay. It is located on the junction of Hennessey rd / Sugar St. Near Victoria Park. 1st Floor, up the stairs first bookshelf on your right.

okay, I bought one this morning from my local Circle-K. A nice surprise is that it is being sold at a 15% discount (has a sticker on it saying 85折).

Looks pretty comprehensive inside, just a shame there isn't a bi-lingual version so I will have to rely on the missus and my trusty Besta translator :-)

Actually this book could be another batgung project. There are so many walks in here that need to be turned into something for English speakers. It could keep everyone busy for a while. There are quite a few out near me as well.

Maybe we could even start a regular Batgung walk and cover one or two a month (once MrB's hip is recovered anyway) :-) 

Hi Phil, feel free to make a start on that. I suggest you start with laying out the structure. So there will be a 'home page' for the introduction, then sections below that.

I'm not sure what the book's format is, but you could divide it into sections by:

  • chapter (like we did with the Booth book)
  • by walk
  • by region (eg Sai kung), then by walk

Once you've got the structure clear, define the tags that will be used to link places back to their section.

Finally, write a forum post for the home page, and for each of the sections, and I can link them together into the 'book' format we used for the companion to the Booth book.

The hip is getting better thanks, courtesy of the accupuncture. But there is no need to wait for me before getting started.

Cheers, MrB

I must admit I am impressed by the depth of information here (even though it is in Chinese). The first section alone has four routes covering all of Shing Mun and Golden Hill (with maps of course). Each point of interest is marked with a number and corresponds to a photo later in the section. Plus there is a load of historical information about what occurred where/when and what sort of stuff can still be found. He has even included a topographical profile map of each walk so you can see what level of steepness/height you are walking over (must have used an altitude gauge - the information is a lot like the depth/time profile that my trusty suunto dive computer gives me). Maybe T could confirm the exact content but it looks as though each walk deal with a different subject, so there are routes that are specifally looking at Japanese relics, and graphs showing what can still be found (with reference to old war time and pre-war maps).

I will try and work out the best way to approach this, but the wealth of information contained in this little book is quite staggering, it has obviously been well reasearched and  definitely deserves a much wider audience.

Sounds like fun, I'm game.

I want to go check out Devil's Peak again. On page 70 (route 8) of the Mainland Defence Ruins book, there show a large Japanese ARP that looks in good condition. I think it is down near the two gun  batteries closer to the shore. I think there may also be a tunnel along the Wilson trail right as you pass below the fort (Grid Ref# KK 161 679).   

I'm going to try and head out over the CNY. May even do the whole trail 8, its only 10km, I'll keep a photo log. 

 I also took my metel detector for a quick sweep along Wong Nai Chung trail yesterday , just along the path. I found my first relic (and lots of nails), a 8mm bullet head. I'm just cleaning it up and I'll take a snap. It was the very first thing I found when I started about 300m from the petrol station. I still need a bit more practice. I also pocketed $97 from Repulsebay beach in a couple of hrs one afternoon last week. I was the geeza with a bus load of mainlanders following, watching and laughing at me unearthing coke cans 6" down.

 Kung Hei Fat Choi. 

I was starting to feel left out, so I've gone and bought a copy too. No joy finding it in Circle-K, but I showed the ISBN to the staff at Commercial Press, and got a copy no problem. Loads of stuff I never knew about - and that's just from looking at the photos. And lot's more info I can't read :-(. T, thanks again for recommending this.

Craig, I've got visions of you queuing up with the grannies at the local recycling shop, with $97 worth of cans in a big bag!! Glad to hear you are starting to unearth interesting things.

A couple of years back I went for a walk around that area. I'd forgotten about these, but I think we noticed two tunnels.

The first was because we were walking along the Wilson Trail and went too far. So we climbed up Devil's Peak from the North-East, and I think we passed a tunnel entrance as we climbed up. No torches, so we didn't look in.

Then as we walked from the redoubt on the peak down the path towards Gough Battery we noticed another tunnel entrance down by the side of the path. My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that was a very short one.

Later that day we walked along further along the Wilson Trail. There had been a recent hill fire, and so on one of the hilltops along there we could see a slit trench that had been dug. I wondered if it was connected with the Rajput's retreat through that area. (I think it was the hill between the road to Ocean Shores and Black Hill) 


Thanks for the leads about Devil's Peak, I'll take a trip out there in the next couple of days The North east face is a killer of a trail from memory, near vertical. Just my cuppa tea. I'll take a look.

Metal Detecting: I did put my found $97 to recycling, I dustested the coins-7-11 - Tsing Tao - Lovely, It's thirsty work. I kept the dug up rubbish too for the 120 year old lady that collects the cans and did my bit.

As for the Mainland Ruins Book, I think the best thing to do would be make a new forum with chapters 1-30 (one for each walk). Then we can add to them as we translate them.

I took another look around Mt Parker today in search for this elusive PB045, unfortunately I couldn’t find trace if it. However I did find a Japanese tunnel and it looks quite a large one. I was on my own and only had a little flash light so wasn’t able to check out the full way. I did have a quick look and it went at least 20m where it turns a corner, but it looks a larger entrance than most. I felt really warm air coming out of it, so perhaps it leads to other entrances? Someone had already broken the thin concrete seal and I didn’t fancy bumping into an II on my own…not tooled up anyway! There are also deep markings on the walls a you first go in, where I’m guessing the door would have fixed in.

As you walk up Mt Parker Rd the only junction you have leads down to the big Agricultural and forestry building. Right at that junction there is also a path called the Hong Pak Country Trail. Follow that for about 300m and it is down on your left.  

Doh! Well done Craig.

How shall I put this... I have it on good authority it wasn't an II who put their size 10 through the rotten boards blocking up the entrance. Hmm... (I like the way the timber has been given a thin coat of render to make it look like concrete.)

Here's an alternate shot of the entrance. And also the long gallery around the corner from the entrance.

Like you, I was on my own and didn't fancy getting lost in a place with no phone coverage!


Hillwalker, Sorry mate did I steal your thunder? I only found it on Sunday late afternoon. I was stuck with the missus shopping all morning but managed to cut loose and hit the hills in the afternoon (looking for sneaky PB45). You must have been there just before!.

Had I know that it is “thought to have only recently been opened by some heavy footed mountain stroller” I would have been more willing to go further. It’s the human element I’m concerned about, and maybe man killing snakes or really big spiders. Anyway I have convinced a mate to come with me tomorrow for a look inside, so naturally I’ll be exhibiting some heroic bravery in the face of the dark unknown. (I’ll pack a set of spare undies just in case).

If no one hears from me in a couple of days send for a rescue party, and I’ll need a couple of beers.

Cheers Craig

I look forward to seeing your pics.

I chanced upon this one before Christmas and was holding off until I was back from holidays and had a clear weekend to explore it with a fellow nutter.

Best of luck, and do see if you can find the source of that warm air that seems to flow from somewhere deep inside. Also, check out the smoke stains on the walls where they used to place candles or oil lamps.



I took an extended lunch today and went back to Mt Parker for a proper nose around.

Unfortunately it only goes about 50-60 meters where it looks to have collapsed blocking what could be more tunnels.

If you head to the end of the long passage way shown above it turns a slight corner and goes on again for about 30m. On the left hand side are three little chambers/rooms cut in about a meter from the main tunnel 1.5m x2m inside. Nothing of note on the walls inside the rooms.

I was right to be apprehensive about II’s. In two rooms there were small chairs where it looks as though a couple of people kipped. Funnily there was also an air freshener on one of the walls?

I kept an eye out for anything carved on the walls and ceiling. There was only one small one (photo’s didn’t come out) possibly for a lantern but there was no evidence soot on the walls or ceiling anywhere.  I couldn’t get the camera working properly (being a lame brain) but did get a few snaps on the phone.


Great work Craig

How long do you think those chairs etc have been there? The entrance has only been open since December 08 (ah erm)

I wonder if the caved in part actually leads to the exterior. What do you think?

 I have a pic of the soot stains near the entrance. I'll try to post the picture next week.  With those chairs there, the stains could have been the result of modern day habitation.

 Any thoughts on where the warm breeze was coming from?

 Well done again.
