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Pages tagged: Peak Tram

Peak Tram Lower Terminus (3rd generation) [2022- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

The new lower terminus was constructed about 42 m uphill from the old one. It is located very near to the Helena May Institute below Cotton Tree Drive and above the Albany Nullah which flows through a 2.4 m wide culvert; it is still connected to the older terminus by staircases.  [outline is approximate]

A new terminus was necessary because the larger cars (6th generation) could not start from the old lower terminus because they were not able to ride the curved section immediately uphill from the terminus.

Peak Tram Bridge over the Albany Nullah [1888-????]

Submitted by Klaus on

Bridge over the Albany Nullah in a short distance uphill from the lower terminus. Can be seen on many early photos. Unclear when it was  removed, latest when the new terminus was built in 2021/22. 

The report technical-visit--peak-tramways.pdf refers: Lower Terminus platform situates about 42 m uphill from its original position and above an existing 2.4 m wide culvert.


Submitted by Klaus on

We have already noted in La Nature the principal types of special funicular or rack railways established in recent years on the flank of the mountains and which are of particular interest because of their steep gradients. The one whose view we represent in figure (fig. 1) which is installed in the island of Hong Kong which is, as we know, in front of the mouth of the Yangtze near Canton; it thus comes to us from China in a way, although it is established, in fact, on an island which has now become an English colony.

Peak Tram Bridges

Submitted by Klaus on

In the Journal from 1888 it is reported that there are eleven bridges on the Peak Tram. Two of them are over roads, and the rest over nullahs and gaps. In the beginning, two road bridges over the tram were built (Bowen Road, a bit later Macdonnell Road). In 1907, the May Road bridge was built, and in 1968, the Cotton Tree Drive bridge was added.

So, let’s start at the lower terminus.

May Road bridge over Peak Tram [1907- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

May Road bridge was opened in 1907.

In the 1907 Public Works Report it is reported under 67. New Roads in Victoria:

Extension East and West of Conduit Road: This work, as indicated by its title, comprises two separate sections of road, the eastern extending from the elbow in Magazine Gap Road, across the Peak Tramway and Peak Road ......

MacDonnell Road bridge over Peak Tram [1892- ]

Submitted by Klaus on

Not built at the same time as the Peak Tram but during the 1890's. On the 1889 map on hkmaps, there is no Macdonnell road. On the 1901 map it's clearly visible, the ones in between are of poor quality only. In the 1899 Public Works report it stated under No. 36:

Completion, of Macdonnell Road: - This work consisted of extending the road constructed in 1891, between Kennedy and Bowen Road, eastwards to form a junction with the former.