MacDonnell Road bridge over Peak Tram [1892- ]

Submitted by Klaus on
Current condition
In use
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

Not built at the same time as the Peak Tram but during the 1890's. On the 1889 map on hkmaps, there is no Macdonnell road. On the 1901 map it's clearly visible, the ones in between are of poor quality only. In the 1899 Public Works report it stated under No. 36:

Completion, of Macdonnell Road: - This work consisted of extending the road constructed in 1891, between Kennedy and Bowen Road, eastwards to form a junction with the former.

Update: The first part of MacDonnell Road including the bridge was finished in 1892 (see comment below).


Photos that show this Place



From Public Works report for 1891

77.       New Road and Preparatory Work Kennedy Road Sites.—A contract was entered into with Mr TSANG KENG in October, 1890, for the construction of the MacDonnell Road contouring the hill side between the Kennedy and Bowen Roads.

78.       This road is 586 lineal yards in length and 20 feet in width situated at a level of 272 feet above sea level and is carried over the Albany Nullah by a substantial stone bridge and the Hongkong High Level Tramway by an iron arch bridge.

79.       Most of the excavation and embankment necessary for the construction of MacDonnell Road has been completed.

80.       The bridge over the Albany Nullah with the exception of the iron railings was completed in November last.

81.       The abutments and wing walls of the bridge over the tram line are completed and the iron work is nearly ready for erection.

From Public Works report for 1892

103.     New Roads and Preparatory Work Kennedy Road Sites.—The MacDonnell Road has been completed as far as it is at present proposed to carry it, but before this road is much used it will be necessary to improve its approach from the Garden Road by extending the road for its full width to join the Garden Road, necessitating re-arranging and re-constructing the Gardeners' Cottages.

104.     The re-arrangement and re-construction of the Gardeners' Cottages will not only make a reasonable approach to the MacDonnell Road practicable but will place at the disposal of the Botanical and Afforestation Department sanitary buildings for the accommodation of its workmen and will effect a long-needed improvement in the much frequented neighbourhood of Garden Road.

From the Public Works Report for 1938:

Macdonnell Road Bridge—Re-construction:—This work consisted of demolishing the existing bridge over the Peak Tramway at Macdonnell Road and constructing a new bridge in reinforced concrete, supported on granite columns. The contract was awarded to Messrs. Lain Woo dz. Co. in October. Work was progressing satisfactorily at the end of the year.

From the Public Works Report for 1939:

MacDonnel Road Bridge—Reconstruction:—This work was referred to in paragraph 115 of last year's report. Owing to alterations to the original proposal, an extension of contract time up to April 26th was granted on which date the contract was satisfactorily completed.