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Hung Hoi LEE [????-1943]

Submitted by emride on

BAAG Roll of Honour.

Report of Japanese Court Martial, October 1943:  Lee Hung Hoi drove a bus for the Kowloon Omnibus Company.  When asked by Lee Lam to assist in conveying documents to the POWs in the camp, he agreed, although he knew these activities were connected with espionage on behalf of the enemy.  From the end of April 43 to June 43 he secretly introduced documents on numerous occasions to POWs in the Camps;  and he also received secret documents from the POWs and handed then to Lee Lam.

Tak Oi LAU (aka 劉德愛) [????-1943]

Submitted by emride on

BAAG Roll of Honour.

From a Post-war statement by Mrs Lau Chut Koo, mother of Lau Tak Oi:

“.... After the surrender of Hongkong to the Japanese my son-in-law Mr Loie became the head of an espionage agency.  Mr Loie was arrested by the Japanese.  On 6.June 43 my daughter was arrested and on 27.July 43 my son was arrested.  My son’s name is Lau Tak Kwong.  All were arrested because they were helping David in his work.

Yung Sam CHEUNG [????-1943]

Submitted by emride on

BAAG Roll of Honour.

Report of Japanese court-martial October 1943:  Cheung Yung Sam was a mechanic employed at Kowloon shipbuilding yard.  He was approached about March 1943 by a near relative Lui Ka Yan and requested to make a report on conditions in the shipbuilding yard.  Although he knew this involved espionage activities on behalf of the enemy, he agreed, and on several occasions investigated and reported on the personnel in the shipbuilding yard and on the ships which were undergoing repairs there. 

J. ROSARIO [????-????]

Submitted by emride on

BAAG Roll of Honour.

Died in Stanløey Prison as a result of severe treatment.