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Pages tagged: BAAG

George Vincent BROOM [1904-1983]

Submitted by emride on

From an audio tape by L T Ride:

‘A New Zealand engineer off a Hongkong-owned ship, probably chartered on war work when the Japs attacked Hongkong, got in touch with the authorities in India to see whether he could be given permission to go into China in order to find out whether it was possible to get his wife out from Hongkong.  Obviously she was not interned, and was therefore either Chinese or a third national.  He was willing to get leave from his company and spend it in China helping in any way he could.

Yin Chuen LEE [????- ]

Submitted by emride on

After the fall of Hongkong, I went to Kweilin in the early part of 1942.  As soon as I reached Kweilin, I took the post as Assistant Architect in the Central Government of China at  Factory No 43, Ordnance Depot, Kweilin.  The job was to design and construct buildings such as factories, warehouses etc.  My service was then requested by the BAAG, and I was transferred to BAAG Headquarters Kweilin as Draughtsman attached to "D" Section, which post I held until the end of 1944.

Chi Kong, Vincent KEE [1911-????]

Submitted by emride on

Native of Waichow, born Hongkong 26.12.1911, nationality Chinese, June 42 to July 45 Leader of Chinese Intelligence in Waichow under Sap Yee Chap Tu Ku (No 12 Regiment HQ).  Also worked for BAAG from 1.8.44 to 21.8.45.

Brought out the two Formosan Gusrds in 1945.

Cheung LEE [????- ]

Submitted by emride on

Nationality Chinese, born Tamshui 20.12.26, student, BAAG Sept 42 – 31 Oct 45.   Citation:

Biu SO [????-????]

Submitted by emride on

BAAG Roll of Honour.

He acted as a contact for Jimmy Kotwall, and was arrested and executed after his death.