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Pages tagged: BAAG

BAAG 'Post Y', Chek Keng [????- ]

Submitted by David on

Post Y was an important site in WW2, and still stands today.

Lawrence Tsui:

A BAAG post was set up at Chekeng Village - Post Y; which was also a HQ of the [Communist 'East River Brigade'] Guerrillas.  The BAAG Advance HQ at Wai Chow (Huizhou) sent agents to HK through Post X (Shayuchung of Dapeng Bay), by guerrilla-operated junk to Post-Y (Chekeng) and throught the Ancient Route to urban Kowloon, one of the Safe House (Post-Z) being the Kwong Hang Store at Portland Street, Shamshuipo, which was operated by the Red Guerrillas.

Elizabeth Ride:

Hong Kong under Japanese rule.

Submitted by Andrew Craig-Bennett on
The Japanese were not exactly welcomed into Hong Kong by the Chinese population - after all, this was the same Japanese Army that had occupied the adjoining Chinese province of Guangdong. The abuses committed by Japanese troops in looting and raping were hardly a good start, and the severity of Japanese martial law (Hong Kong was kept under martial law for the entire duration - three years and eight months - of the Japanese occupation) did nothing to bring peoples hearts and minds round to favour Japanese rule.