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Pages tagged: BAAG

Ping Kuen LAI [????- ]

Submitted by emride on

From a statement in Feruary 1960.

I joined the Hongkong Government in 1934 as a mechanic in Radio Workshop, GPO, until 1941, when the Colony was occupied by the Japanese.  I went to Free China, where I worked in the Chinese Government Radio Communication Service up to 1943, when I joined the BAAG Wireless Station in Kweiin under Major Hall Caine.   During the Kweilin evacuation I was transferred to the British Embassy Chungkiing as a Technician.

Tai MA (aka 馬泰) [????-????]

Submitted by emride on
Ma Tai
An ex-labour contractor of the Kowloon Wharves & Godowns Ltd, he was father of a member of  a BAAG Field Intelligence group, Ma Chum Kwai, who was arrested with others in the group, but Ma Chum Kwai made good his escape.  Ma Tai, the father, was arrested a week later, in substitute, on account of his relationship to his son, and also on account of the fact that he had been carrying out ad hoc underground activities for the group of which his son was a member.  Ma Tai was subsequently executed while in captivity.

Him FUNG (aka 馮謙) [????-????]

Submitted by emride on
Fung Him
was a member of a Field Intelligence Group (FIG) operating for the BAAG in occupied Hongkong.  He was arrested together with Chan King in May 1944, was jailed and subsequently executed together with his colleague Chan King. 

For CHAU (aka SHAU Fo / 仇火) [????-????]

Submitted by emride on
Chau For.  BAAG Roll of Honour.  
A member of a Field Intelligence Group (FIG) who was reported having been arrested together with Lau Kwong, Wong Man, Chiu Kwai and Wan Kap on the 15th day of the 4th moon in the year 1944 in Hongkong, by the Gendarmerie, on account of his underground activities with the BAAG and reported as having been executed.  BAAG Roll of Honour.

Wing Chiu CHAN (aka 陳榮照) [????-????]

Submitted by emride on
Chan  Wing Chiu
BAAG Roll of Honour.
A member of a Field Intelligence Group (FIG) who was reported as having been arrested together with Chau For, Lau Kwong, Wong Man, Chiu Kwai and Wan Kap on the 15th day of the 4th moon in the year 1944 in Hongkong, by the Gendarmerie, on account of his underground activities with the BAAG.  Subsequent to the mass arrest, Lau Kwong, Chau For, Chan Wing Chiu and Wong Man were reported as having been executed, but Chiu Kwai and Wan Kap survived the hostilities.

Maizee CHENG [????- ]

Submitted by emride on

Mrs Maizee Cheng, sister of William and Percy Cheng.

Post-war statement by Col Ride:

Mrs Maizee Cheng was in the employ of the BAAG during the war;  she was engaged in extremely dangerous and hazardous work which she carried out fearlessly in spite of the risk involved.