New on Gwulo: 2022, week 13

Submitted by David on

A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...







Hong Kong island











The 'Popsy Man', by Chris Addison


Families waving goodbye, by Chris Addison


Sports Day at the Army Sports Stadium, by Chris Addison


School Sports Day, by Chris Addison


Rice Fields, by Chris Addison


Possibly Li Yuen Street East, by Chris Addison


Another view of the peak tram - at the MacDonnell
Road station, by Chris Addison


Location unknown, by Chris Addison


Dockyard event, by Chris Addison


Dockyard swimming pool, by Chris Addison


Peak Tram 1948, by fivestar


tram_on_wong_nai_chung_road_1974.jpg, by danielwettling


Click to see all recently added photos.