I've listed some of the recent highlights below, but you can visit the What's New page at any time to see all the latest additions to the site.
- Recent weeks have seen the 75th anniversary of V-J Day, with Imperial Japan's surrender on 15 August 1945, followed by the official signing of the surrender document on 2 September. Some related pages:
- Wartime diary pages on Gwulo from 16 August 1945 (the day that most of the diarists learned of the surrender) and 2 September 1945.
- Photos of the Japanese surrender here in Hong Kong.
- Meanwhile Bails's parents and grandparents were interned in Shanghai, and heard of the surrender there.
- Two new resources about the British Army Aid Group:
- Elizabeth Ride's extensive archives are now available online at elizabethridearchive.com
- Hong Kong Baptist University have published an excellent online introduction to the BAAG, making good use of online maps and photos to illustrate the story.
- Did Franklin Gimson arrive in Hong Kong on the 6th, 7th, or 8th of December, 1941?
- Only four pages left to finish typing up the 1934 Jurors List. Please can you help to type up a page?
- You can now accesss archived copies of the SCMP online for free if you have a Hong Kong Public Library card.
- HK Island
- Fung Leung Kee Watches, Johnston Road, Wanchai [c.1943-2020] - another shop house bites the dust
- Grand Court [1931-2012] and its legendary cockroaches
- Japanese wartime tunnels
- St. Margaret's Primary School, Fung Fai Terrace
- A 1939 description of the "new" yacht club buildings on Kellett Island
- Kowloon
- Alhambra Building [1960- ]
- Dilkusha [????-????]
- Kowloon Telephone Exchange [1929-c.1967]
- Residential Building on K.I.L. 537 [c.1895-c.1949]
- Royal Court Hotel [????-????]
- Mui Wo is uploading a series of photos from the 1960s, including this panorama taken from a balcony at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Can anyone identify the black & white building at bottom right? One suggestion is that it's an earlier generation of Wylie Court.
2_View to Lyemun from QEH 1964.07.04.jpg, by Mui Wo
- New Territories
- What looks like a military ruin overlooking Mai Po
- Harbour
- Can anyone identify this curious structure in the harbour in the 1890s?
Book news
While I'm working on the photos for the new Volume 4 and have them enlarged on the screen, I'll crop some of their details to share here. These two are from pages 6 and 7.
- Hong Kong Cadets
- Richard EDWARDS [1909-1941]
- Stewart Buckle Carne ROSS (aka Carne) [1876-1923], Hong Kong Cadet
- Other:
- Maude Elizabeth BASTO (née WHITE) [1895-1979] and her brother-in-law Carlos Henrique de Senna Fernandes de Castro BASTO (aka Charles Henry) [1890-1944], who were both in the group arrested by the Japanese in 1944. Maude survived, but Carlos was executed.
- The Ladies Rifle Association in 1908.
- Can you identify anyone in this photo taken at the Kayamally's shop?
Kayamally's shop interior 2, by Susiec
Enhanced from The Far Eastern Review - Nov. 1909
(Enhanced scan from The Far Eastern Review Nov.1909)
John Rand has uploaded several photos he took in Hong Kong in 1949-55. Here are a couple of examples.
Click to see all recently added photos.