Cameron Road looking in westerly direction. Right hand, just out of sight, should be Granville Road. The house on the very right, set at a 45 degree angle to the (invisible) road should be Dilkusha. Next to it is another building at Cameron on K.I.L 537, already there on the 1896 map.
I really enjoyed looking at all the photos of Cameron Road! When my parents came to HK in 1937, they got a flat at Prince Edward Road but when the Japanese conquered HK, they moved into 23 Cameron Road!
We lived there until 1950, when we moved to Morrison Hill Road as my father got a job at HK Tramways; however my grandmother (Anna Nozadze aka Balia) stayed in that flat until the developers decided they wanted to knock all the old buildings down.
I was christened in October 1947 by Father Upenski of the Russian Orthdox Church and then the people who attended posed on the steps of #23 before taking me in a pram to the grassy area between Chatham Road and the railway line!!
1947 - Oct 5 christening party outside 23 Cameron Road.jpg, by Nona
The people that I can recognise in this group photo are Lila Pio-Ulski (holding me), (2nd right) George Pio-Ulski, (kid in front) Lindy (Alexandra) Pio-Ulski, (right hand) my aunt, Jenny Nozadze, (2nd from left in white suit) Serge Novikoff (aka Nelson) - my godfather, and (lady next to him in dark dress) Sonya Cherikoff (wife of Victor Cherikoff of Cherikoff Restaurant)! No idea of the other people I'm sorry to say
1947 - Oct 5 christening walking to Chatham Rd.jpg, by Nona
Cameron Road looking in westerly direction. Right hand, just out of sight, should be Granville Road. The house on the very right, set at a 45 degree angle to the (invisible) road should be Dilkusha. Next to it is another building at Cameron on K.I.L 537, already there on the 1896 map.
Similar photo
Similar view in 1947:
Similar view in 1947:
RAF facilities long gone, but area (KIL's 517,518,524) still undeveloped.
TST 1908
This area in 1908 is shown below. No RAF facilities south of Cameron Road yet.
Cameron Road
I really enjoyed looking at all the photos of Cameron Road! When my parents came to HK in 1937, they got a flat at Prince Edward Road but when the Japanese conquered HK, they moved into 23 Cameron Road!
We lived there until 1950, when we moved to Morrison Hill Road as my father got a job at HK Tramways; however my grandmother (Anna Nozadze aka Balia) stayed in that flat until the developers decided they wanted to knock all the old buildings down.
I was christened in October 1947 by Father Upenski of the Russian Orthdox Church and then the people who attended posed on the steps of #23 before taking me in a pram to the grassy area between Chatham Road and the railway line!!
The people that I can recognise in this group photo are Lila Pio-Ulski (holding me), (2nd right) George Pio-Ulski, (kid in front) Lindy (Alexandra) Pio-Ulski, (right hand) my aunt, Jenny Nozadze, (2nd from left in white suit) Serge Novikoff (aka Nelson) - my godfather, and (lady next to him in dark dress) Sonya Cherikoff (wife of Victor Cherikoff of Cherikoff Restaurant)! No idea of the other people I'm sorry to say