People tagged: ANS

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Olga Archangelsky Female
Ruth Emily Ashton-Hill Audsley Female
Gladys Lillian Bagram Stone Female
Olga Bateman Female
Edith May Begley Doherty Female
Maysie Irene May Blanchett Female
Zus Maria Wilhelmina Blumenthal Koens Female
Sister Marie des Victoires Josephine Bolduc Female
Sister Marie du St. Sacrement Anna Bourbeau Female
Kathrine Brameld Female
Ethel Byrne Female
E Carruthers Female
Flo Florence D. Cartwright Female
Ida Close / Gerzo Female
Sister Marie de Georges Corinne Crevier Female
Bertha Maud Cryan Lummis Female
Sheila Cullinan Haynes Female
Catherine F Cunningham Female
Grace Darby Female
Elaine N. Davis Female
Betty Frances Elizabeth Drown Leaper Female
Gladys Kathleen Edwards Saunders Female
Phyllis Louise Ogilvie Ferguson Young Female
Margery Stratford Fortescue Hunt Female
Sister John / Sister St Jean Angela Maria Gardner Female
Sister Therese de l’Infant Jesus Yvonne Gerin Male
Elizabeth Mary Gibbins Female
Alice Maud Gibson Ablong Female
Sister St. Stanislaus of Kostka Germaine Gonthier Male
Mary Hope Goodban Simpson Female
Maggie Magdalene Greenwood Craik Female
Doris M A Hamilton Female
Connie Leah Constance Hawkett Female
Margaret Hearson Female
何婉衡 Helen Ho Female
Elaine Ho Female
Jessie Holland Macdonald Female
Beatrice Hutcheon Greaves Female
Lynn Millicent Evelyn Joffe Murray Female
Day Daisy Mary Joyce Sage Female
Eva Grace Evelyn Kilbee Female
Jessie Knox Female
Gizella Kopeczky Kavcsics Female
Violet Alison Lee Shea Female
Helen / Hilda Leiper Female
Eva Leonard Churn Female
Pat Patricia Loseby Female
Gertrude MacGregor Female
Zoe Doris Emily Elizabeth MacPherson Brooks Female
Marjorie N Madgwick Knight Female
Kathleen Louisa Martin Stewart Female
Thelma Margaret Mills Female
Eileen Vera Monks Female
Sister St. Jean de l’Eucharistie Jeanne Moquin Female
Iris Vera Murrell Tanner Female
Nina Emily Nicholson / Valentine Williams Female
Florence E Pacey Female
Norah Mary Potter / Ruffell Huson Female
Mabel Winifred Redwood Wells Female
Kay Kathleen Constance Rosselet Female
Gertie Gertrude Alison Shea Chan (Tyson) Female
Jean Sheldon Female
Dorothy Mary Shilston Female
Nessie Janette Agnes Whyte Howard Shrigley Brown Female
Vera Dorothy Alexandra Silcocks Female
Dorothy Margery Simpson Female
Faith Mary Snuggs Female
Rhexie Rhexenor Stalker Female
Margaret Matilda Starling Robson Female
Norah Evelyn Stutchbury Witchell Female
Mary Wong Mary Suffiad Female
Connie Sully Female
Eileen Hendry Tinson / Bellamy Leghorn Female
Isa Florence Isabel Watson Lammert Female
Vera Veronica Marjorie Weill / Stericker Jefford Female
Norah Marion Wentworth Female
Wilhelmina E Williamson Female
Florrie Florence Agnes Wong Female
Flo Florence Lucy Wong Ching Female
Jessie Jessica May Wong Female