A look at the latest additions to Gwulo...
- Readers are looking for any information about:
- When the Aberdeen tunnel was built, was there any mis-alignment between the north & south sections?
- Major Terrence Steadman RE MBE, in Hong Kong in the 1950s
- Henry Qualtrough RE, bomb disposal man and rugby referee
- When the Aberdeen tunnel was built, was there any mis-alignment between the north & south sections?
- We're about two thirds of the way through typing up the 1938 Jurors List. If you can spare half an hour, please could you help type up a page?
- Upgrade update: The work on pages for Photos and Places is done, and I'm pleased with how they're looking. This week I'll work on the Person pages, and then enough of the new site will be working to let people start testing it.
There will be a bit more work before the testing begins though. The upgraded site I'm working on is based on a snapshot of Gwulo.com that is about a year old, so first I'll have to re-run all the migrations again to bring it up to date, and check that doesn't break anything. Then the hosting package I use will need to be upgraded to cope with running both the old and the new sites at the same time. Once that is done, I can upload the upgraded site to the hosting company's server, so you can access it.
Hong Kong island
- Bisnee Villa [????-????], dating back to the 1870s or earlier
- Aerial masts on the hillside above the old RAF Little Sai Wan
- Water Street Public Toilet and Bathhouse [????- ]
- Gulf / Concord Kerosene Store [c.1971-2012]
Gulf Kerosene Store, by nahmsai - Hung Hom service reservoir [c.1895-c.1960]
New Territories
- Cafeteria Camp / Gordon Camp [????-????]
- Stanley Camp internees:
- Repatriation notice #18 from 1945 (HMS Empire Lagan sailing to UK)
- Repatriation notice #18 from 1945 (HMS Empire Lagan sailing to UK)
- Other
- Robin ADSHEAD [c.1934-2005], soldier, pilot, and photographer
- Robin ADSHEAD [c.1934-2005], soldier, pilot, and photographer
Click to see all recently added photos.