1966 Rainstorm

Submitted by Klaus on

Total rainfall: 495 mm

Deaths: 64

Source: http://www.hko.gov.hk/publica/gen_pub/WeatheringTheStorm-2.pdf

Rainfall on 1966-06-

11th : 78 mm

12th : 383 mm

13th : 34 mm

Between 11 and 13 June 1966, heavy rainstorms resulted in 64 deaths, 48 persons missing, and 29 injured. The number of affected people amounted to 6,183 and the affected areas included Tsuen Wan, Tai Po, Castle Peak, Yuen Long, the outlying islands, Shau Kei Wan, Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, Kennedy Town and Ngau Tau Kok in Kowloon. The situation was more serious on Hong Kong Island. In the Aberdeen area alone, 1,200 people were affected. 58 In the New Territories, particularly in Tai Po and Yuen Long, farmland was seriously damaged. According to newspapers, 95% of the paddy fields and 50% of the vegetable fields in Tai Po were flooded and destroyed. In Yuen Long, 35% of the rice fields were flooded. As agricultural products suffered severe losses, food prices rose accordingly.

See also:1966 Peak Road landslide

Film on Youtube by British Pathé: Floods And Landslides, Many Dead (1966)

Date(s) of this event
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Appears on Timeline


I'd like to keep a timeline of typhoons, as they're such major events in Hong Kong's history.

We could have a master page for Natural Disasters in Hong Kong which links to the various-categories.

Then we could have another timeline for Other natural disasters, where we put this rainstorm and any other non-typhoon disasters. If any new category such as rainstorms gathers say 5 or more events, they can then be moved out to their own timeline.

Will that work for what you want to do?

I was a student at KGV when the rainstorm hit. I recall I was at my Dad's farm on Lantau when it started. The schools were closed for a week, which I thought was great, but then the Education Department deducted a week from the summer vacation to make up for it, which wasn't so great.

Hi David,

sorry, didn't see your reply until today. 

I fully understand that you want to keep the category typhoons "clean". My thoughts were just to have categories that also give a timeline for other severe natural impacts. As far as I see it, we only have two rainstorms listed (1926 and 1966); more candidates for "Other Natural Disasters" could be landslides. e.g. Po Shan landslide (although severe, but only local and possibly not to be added like fires - Shek Kip Mei).

Anyway, it's not urgent and can be discussed further when you have finished the upgrade work.

Regards, Klaus

news reports about the 6-12-1966 rain storm

happy valley tram terminus around the singwoo road-wong nai chung rd junction

6-12-1966 happy valley tram terminus damage, by simtang

hku dormitory on lyttelton rd

6-12-1966 hku dormitory lyttelton rd damage, by simtang

 ming yuen w st north point

6-12-1966 ming yuen w st damage, by simtang

 damage to peak tram tracks

6-12-1966 peak tram tracks damage, by simtang

tin hau temple st private road between two blocks of summit court.

6-12-1966 Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point damage, by simtang

 belcher st

6-12-1966 belchers st damage, by simtang

kings road between north point road and tong shui rd

6-12-1966 kings road damage 2, by simtang

 kings road

6-12-1966 kings road damage, by simtang

Around shek tong tsui hill rd - des voeux w rd junction

6-12-1966 Shek Tong Tsui hill road damage , by simtang

 tunnel leading to star ferry pier

6-12-1966 tunnel between Chater rd and star ferry pier damage, by simtang