Harbourmaster's Office (1st Generation) [1845-c.1868]

Submitted by Herostratus on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)


Photos that show this Place



Thh link between the old Harbourmaster's Office and the new City Hall was described at a meeting in 1869, reported on page 2 of Hong Kong Daily Press, 1869-07-07:


A large and influential meeting of shareholders, subscribers, and those generally interested in this institution, was held on the 28th June, in the large room of this elegant edifice, named St. Andrew's Hall.


Mr. WALKER said he should have pleasure in proposing that the report be passed, but he would first like to inquire as to the very heavy cost of rebuilding the Harbour Master's office.

The CHAIRMAN explained that, in order to obtain the present site, the committee had been obliged to put up the new Harbour Master's office and take down the old one. This had cost a great deal more than was at first contemplated, especially the filling in and the sea wall, as well as the boat slip. This of itself had cost $4,944. The Government had to pay a part of this sum, and he believed the matter was now under discussion with the Government as to the share it had to pay. The City Hall Committee had to offer to rebuild the Harbour Master's office in order to obtain the present site on which the City Hall stood.

Mr WALKER replied that the explanation was quite satisfactory, and he begged to move the acceptance of the report.
