TOWN OF VICTORIA, c. 1854 (Panorama)

Source: James Orange (1924). The Chater Collection: Pictures Relating to China, Hongkong, Macao, 1655-1860. London: Thornton Butterworth Limited. page 410 (394-95 in the book)

Text from the book:

A large scale picture of the city of Victoria from the Cricket Ground to the P. & O. Offices. Commencing 1. from the Cricket Ground there is to be seen Murray Barracks; Beaconsfield (Butterfield and Swire's old offices now removed); Cathedral (completed 1849); Government Offices (completed 1848); and Government House (completed 1853).

On water front l. to r. are the Harbour-Master's office, the offices and godowns of the Mercantile Bank and Messrs. Russell & Co. to Ice-House Street; next the Lindsay & Dent hongs, to Pedder Street, then the building formerly occupied by Lammert, Atkinson & Co. (the site of the offices of Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd.); next building was Olyphant & Co., with the American flag. Following are godowns and hongs lining the water's edge of, among others, Lane Crawford & Co., Bowra & Co., Turner & Co., Oriental Bank, to the Peninsular & Oriental Company's old offices, known as Tit hong, with the flag of the Company on a lofty flagstaff. Cf. No. 42. No praya wall is shewn on the sea front and the two firms of Lindsay & Dent blocked the favourite project of Sir John Bowring for a continuous praya front, having been able to defeat the proposed Government Ordinance in the Legislative Council, 1859. Some sections were made east and west and completed 1862, but it was not until 1879-80 that the whole praya was completed.

Water-colour drawing. 19½ x 54. Probably by M. A. Baptista, the pupil of G. Chinnery, R.H.A.


Date picture taken
1854 (year is approximate)