G Block, Victoria Barracks (aka Soldiers' Club / NAAFI Club / Union Jack Club) [????-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists

Position of marker is approximate. It was set at right-angles to Queen's Road, today's Queensway. The front of the building extended out over the pavement, and had three arches facing the road. The first and second floors had verandahs. It's the building in the centre of this photo:

1964 Queensway and Union Jack Club, by eternal1966e

Location can be seen on the old map of the Barracks available at the Survey & Mapping Office, their ref: HG7.

In the 1960s photo below it has signs "NAAFI Club", and "Union Jack Club".

Photos that show this Place



On 14 April 1900, H.E. Major-General Gascoigne opened the building known as "G Block" situated at Queen's Road East, which has been transformed into premises to be used as a club by the members of the different units forming the garrison of Hong Kong. The premises, which are opposite Fletcher Street, had been used for some time as a small institute for soldiers and sailors but, owing to the want of suitable attraction, very little advantage was taken of them. His Excellency the Major-General and officers accordingly resolved to provide for the men a place where they could retire to in their leisure hours during the day.

On the ground floor, a bar is provided. Upstairs there are dining, billiards and reading rooms. Further reading in the China Mail dated 16 April 1900.