Colvin House, Victoria Barracks [1959-????]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day & Month are approximate.)

This 1993 SCMP article says it was where the British Consulate would be built:

Queens Lines is next to Colvin House, the site of the future British consulate. It is understood to have been identified by the British side as a valuable site for redevelopment for either commercial or residential use.

Can anyone confirm the location? [Update: It was where the British Council are today - see comments below.]

Regards, David

Photos that show this Place



Hi David

I used to live in Colvin House 72 to 74.

It was at the top if the hill in Victoria Barracks you couldnt walk any further up.

Tree outside had hundreds of cockatoos

I am on if you want more info


Hi Gothica,

Thanks for writing. I found a few more notes about the building:

  • Built in 1959 for Women’s Royal Army Corps (WRAC) officers
  • Named after the Director of the WRAC, Brigadier Dame Mary Colvin.
  • It was the first permanent Army barrack accommodation completed since the war.

Was it still used as accommodation for the WRAC when you were here in the 1970s?

The linked document also has a map which shows Colvin House was about where the British Council are today. I've moved the marker.

Regards, David

Hi there David 

I was indeed a WRAC and we were all (privates to corporals) housed in Colvin House.

I recall a brass plaque inside the main doors detailing Brigadier Dame Mary Colvin. I had no idea then how young the building was. It seemed so old!

I was a Com Cen Op, I met my first husband there, he was always signals attached to... at that time he worked on microwave comms.

We moved in together high up in a block of flats which I think were on or near Bluepool Road. Not sure that even exists now.

My overiding memories are rain that could soak you even under your unbrella. Stack style flip flops which have only just become available here courtesy of Sketchers and my first and last encounter with a real flying hornet. I was buzzed on the first indoor flight of Colvin House. The HSBC bank also, which did computer style banking in 1973! It was truly amazing. Oh and my first taste of a MacDonalds. Out there it was stunning. Nothing to touch it in UK.

I also lived on the mainland close up to the chinese border and have an original 'little blue cap' complete with red tin star.

I will try and fish you out some photos.






Hi MandyRae

Was Colvin House still being used for WRAC in 1978?

Just interested another WRAC member came out after I left she may have been there when you were Mitch Attfield?



No worries

Just interested. Tamar, when I was there was the port for the Navy!


But the one thing about Hong Kong was the amount of changes even in the 2 years I was out there.

A friend went out 10 years after me and I didnt recognise anything he photographed.

I think I have some pics of Colvin House I will get digging


Yes it was the naval yard but the new building housed a lot of army. Wrac were on the 20th floor, great views. Loved my 2 years there and have been back a few times but can't see me going back again now things are changing


Unsure I am inclined to return. Although I have some great memories I also have some not so good.

The rats were the size of coypu !

What looked like a heat wave turned out to be a smell wave

And stinkies alley was full of dead and dying animals much the way I assume Wohan market  must be.

Hope it is cleaner now!

I also lived on the mainland for a while but I cannot recall what the place was called

I have found some photos but of course the buildings are not named and the builidings I want are just little snippets in the background of pictures of friends I made out there.

Never mind