Edward Wilfred KIRK [1886-1963]

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Edward Wilfred
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Barbara Anslow:

He was a doctor.

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Dr Edward Wilfred Kirk was my grandfather.  My mother and father live in Victoria, British Columbia where I grew up.  Mum was 11 when the Japanese came.  A Chefusian, she was evacuated with her family to the UK via Canada when she was 11.   My son, Dr Kirk's great-grandson, lives in Toronto and his wife is from Hong Kong. 

I am wondering if anybody in the group can point me to more references or memories about my grandfather whom I never met.

Alec Cooper, MD, Quebec City, Canada

Hi Alec,

Thank you for writing. I've added your grandfather's given names to his page. If you can let me know his date & place of birth, and date of death, I'll add those in too.

If you click "What links here" at the top of the page, you'll see links to the other pages on Gwulo that mention Dr. Kirk. You might also try using the search box at the top-right of the page to search for Kirk.

This isn't actually the Yahoo group, so you should also contact that group to see what you can find. Details of that group, and more about Stanley, at http://gwulo.com/Stanley-Civilian-Internment-Camp

Was your mum in Stanley at all, or did she go to the UK directly from Chefoo?

Regards, David

Thank you:  yesterday I found many references to my grandfather as well as one reference to my late Aunt Mary by searching "Anslow, Kirk"

Here is the original source for that reference from a NZ Presbyterian Archive website: http://www.archives.presbyterian.org.nz/Page175.htm

Edward's wife and children were evacuated:   My mother "Joy" Kirk,  her sister Mary and their other siblings went with their mother to friends in Toronto Canada as "war guests" for two years, and then on to London.  I always thought their departure happened precipitously the night before the invasion, but I see from googling yesterday that there were anticipatory departures of women and children months before... ?  Everyone in my family from that time has passed away except my mother who is now 85, living with Dad in Victoria.



A quick look through HKGRO shows his name appears in 1927 as a Medical Officer in the government's Medical Department. See page J 16 of the Civil Establishments of Hongkong, for the Year 1927.

At some point he switches to private practice, as the 1940 Register of Medical and Surgical Practitioners and list of persons authorized to sign death certificates has this entry:

  • Kirk, Edward Wilfred
  • Shell House, 6th Floor, Queen's Road Central
  • Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
  • December, 1908 (Date qualified)

If your mother can tell us any addresses of where she lived, or names of schools, etc, we can show some photos she might enjoy seeing. eg Here are photos of Shell House, where her father's office was located: http://gwulo.com/node/7001/photos

Regards, David

This news from my parents in Victoria:  the correct addresses where Mum lived:  ‘Hopefield’,  Po Shan Road,  (she thinks “in the University area”) – where she was born.         And later moved to 564, The Peak.  

I remember a Doctor Kirk who was a neighbour to the Kennedy-Skiptons on Mount Cameron. During the battle for Hong Kong this Doctor Kirk was working in the British Military Hospital not far from the Matilda Hospital. For a day or two I was billetted in Doctor Kirk's house; I was ten years old at the time. Eventually Dr. Kirk enterred Stanley Interment Camp in January 1942. I wonder if this is the same Dr. Kirk?

Yes, that is my grandfather.  There is a map and an aerial photo of the neighbouring houses on this page :  http://battleforhongkong.blogspot.ca/2014/11/the-strange-case-of-mr-ken….   I see that my grandfather is mentioned several times and that the name of Robert Tatz is cited on a sort of census list of his house.  My grandmother Winifred and her four children must have been evacuated when that census was taken. 

The K-S article goes on to say: "Bob Tatz is a good friend now living in Canada and is currently writing a book about his life experiences including his experiences during World War 2 in Hong Kong."  Is that you?  If so, do you still live in Canada? Are there still copies of your book?  I live in Quebec City.  My soon-to-be 86 y/o mother lives in Victoria.

My family and I knew him, he performed my mother's hysterectomy in camp.   There are several brief mentions of him in my diary which I could send if necessary.

Best wishes, Barbara

Yes, I live in Canada and I am located in Edmonton. I am still working on my book, and it is my hope to have the manuscript completed and edited before the end of the year. The next task would be publishing it.

Feel free to contact me should you be interested in more information. David will be glad to send you my email address.


This Google search for hopefield "po shan" kirk confirms your grandfather was living there.

We've got a page for 564, The Peak, but not much information about it yet. I don't know how willing your mum is to talk about this, but it would be interesting to know if this building was new when they moved there, and also if she has any memories of the Kennedy-Skipton family. You've seen the page about George Kennedy-Skipton at Philip's website, and there is also a page about him at http://gwulo.com/node/12900

Regards, David

Hi Alec, 


I tried to reply earlier and I am unsure if I processed correctly. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mother in February. 

My name is Cherie Ryan nee Kirk. 

My father is Gerald "Gerry" Kirk who also sadly passed away peacefully on the 3rd March this year. 

His mother, my grandmother Faith Kirk, married your grandfather Dr Edward W Kirk in Chelsea, Middlesex England in 1957.

It is really interesting as I actually found, what I believe to be, your baby photos!! 

Would love to share any histroy, memories and or photos with you. 

All the best


Dear Cherie:

Delighted to read your message!  Upon clicking for your profile, I see your previous message reaching out 2 years ago...?

As you may know I was born the year our grandfather remarried.  I suspect our grandfather is a mystery to both of us.   I think David's family knew Faith, but my part of the family never did - other than my mother.

I would love to hear from you.


A couple of weeks ago my son was golfing at Fanling before returning with his family to Toronto, I sent a photo of my grandfather, found amongst my Mum's things, taken at the same club before the war to share with his father-in-law, an avid golfer.  This morning I thought to do a little googling about babies born at Stanley camp and discovered the birth certificate of George H W Cautherley, OBE:   proof of at least one baby my grandad delivered:  So I ventured over to gwulo. Lo and behold I have just found another one:  R A  Keates.  

Alec Cooper CD, MD

Quebec City, Canada