Maryknoll Convent School Sisters

Tue, 09/10/2024 - 09:46

This photo of the Maryknoll Convent School sisters was taken at the school and included in the school's Silver Jubilee Book (1925 - 1950).  Some of the sisters who were interned at Stanley Camp are in this photo.  I don't recognize or remember the names of some of the nuns in this photo but will identify the ones I do know.

Front row, from left: Sister Rosemary, my kindergarten teacher.  Next to her is Sister Miriam Xavier, who was the last remaining nun at the school when a group of us visited in 1996.  She gave us a tour of the original building that housed the primary classes.  The secondary classes, from Form One through Upper Six, are housed in the newer building on the premises.  The convent building with the chapel and where the nuns stayed was built some time after the school reopened.  The swimming pool where we had our PT in the summer and the playground were still there during our tour.  It was nostalgic walking through the old building with its courtyard in the center, and seeing the familiar framed pictures still on the walls of the hallways.

Front row, fifth from left, center: Sister Mary Dorothy, or Sister Dorothy as she was called.  The nun at the far right of the first row is Sister Santa Maria, who taught Religion and was a favorite of mine.

Second row, second from left: Sister Marie Antoine; third from left is Sister Cecilia, who taught Pitman's shorthand, typing and general business terms in her commercial class for those who graduated and left after Form V.  Next to her is Sister Corinne, our music appreciation teacher, who also gave private piano lessons to some of the students;  fifth from left is Sister Matthew Marie, another favorite of mine in primary school.  Next to her is Sister Cecilia Marie, who was a relative of my mother's.  We knew her as Aunty Lolly!

Third row, far right: Sister Ann Mary, who was the Headmistress when the school reopened after the war on January 8, 1946.

Date picture taken
1949 (year is approximate)